
Yellow headed blackbird

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Saturday Mixed Bag of Birds

Stan sent me this cool space link, Spaceflight Now. It seems to be a bit slow today but it was pretty happening yesterday. You might want to check it out if space is your thing. Whip up a little tang.


Strange how people sort of come to you in bunches. I had an interesting artist come by who has Aspergers Syndrome. His societal skills were so bad that he created a new identity with a fake name to shield himself from talking to people. He prefers to work for other people so that he doesn't have to interact with clients because he has such a difficult time looking people in the eye.

He told me about a book published locally, Quirky yes, hopeless no, that has really helped him deal with his unique personality traits. He said that he gets the most satisfaction out of racing motorcycles in the desert, the combination of speed and terror zapping his being into a one pointed focus that drives the disorder into the background.

He said that he has a hard time empathizing with other people, tending to respond in a rather cold and clinical fashion.

I got a letter the other day from my other friend with Aspergers, thanking me for taking the time to learn about the whole deal. He sent a point by point checklist that is probably too personal to publish on this blog.

I wonder if there is a reason that all of these people are taking this moment to come into my life?


I am putting together an exhibition of orange and fruit labels for my next library show. If you have any interesting examples, framed, that I could borrow for six months please contact me.


Tomorrow is the Antique Car Show at Potter Junior High School. I will be one of the judges. If you aren't doing anything drop by and say hello. There are always a whole bunch of beautiful entries.


These two juvenile hawks have little fear of me. I walked right up this morning and got this one perched on the branch, maintaining eye contact. Such beautiful plumage.


David sent over this picture of his toucanet, who likes to take a regular bath in the water dish. David gave him up to a large breeder and toucan authority yesterday and I think is already missing him terribly.


Ron and Lena sent over this clip of a friendly owl and a pussycat.  And a very interesting clip on leadership. Have a memorable memorial weekend!

1 comment:

North County Film Club said...

Funny that you should bring up Aspergers, now. Nancy and I are trying to deal with, what we think, is our brother's Aspergers. It's never been diagnosed because they sure didn't know what it was when he was a child. But he has struggled through life. He has now retired from barbering and has moved from North Hollywood to here where he has become our responsibility and now we're struggling with trying to understand this completely non-understandable syndrome. He lives alone and does fairly well, considering. We need to find some expert to help us, though. Do you think either of your friends know of one? We've got to do some more reading on the subject. We're not even very sure this is his problem.