Saturday, May 7, 2011

First they came for the teachers...

It is obvious that teachers are now being painted as one of the main villains in the conservative right's battle for America. Education is in the crosshairs in the efforts to enact their parochial vision. I just read a fascinating article on AlterNet by Rachel Tabachnik called The DeVos Family: Meet the Super-Wealthy Right-Wingers Working With the Religious Right to Kill Public Education.

Tabachnik shows how the Amway founder and his Blackwater son in law are part of a concerted effort on the part of the right to completely privatize education. I have always felt that the voucher and to a lesser extent the charter program was a subterfuge for the religious right to both tunnel into malleable young minds and create a system where their young scions don't have to mingle with those nasty minority types.

This article is chilling. Read it.

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