
Yellow headed blackbird

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Blue Heron Boffo Bash

Many thanks to all of you who attended our party last night. It was SRO at one point and everybody seemed to have a really nice time. Some of my favorite people showed up and I even made some new friends. The guitar player that was supposed to play got sick and couldn't show but we made due. Even sold a painting.

Thanks to all for bringing the great food and wine. We really didn't drink all that much and the thing wrapped up quicker than any previous soirées. A show of hands showed that many people heard about the party through the blog which I think is kind of cool.

Leslie had to do something this morning that required we get up at 5:30 so we are walking wounded today on four hours sleep. Definitely sleeping in tomorrow.

To all those that missed this one, hope to catch you next time.