
Yellow headed blackbird

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Shriver dumps the Arnold

Bored indeed, Arnold.  Maybe Maria Shriver, California's ex first lady, watched her husband's boorish behavior with this reporter and decided she couldn't live with such an asshole anymore. And once again we are reminded that if you come from wealth or privilege, the laws don't apply to you. You can literally get away with murder.

As most of you are probably aware, Schwarzenegger pardoned the son of one of his political cronies, Fabian Nunez, who had been convicted of murder. The Governator did this without talking to the victim's family and has been an evasive schmuck ever since.

Esteban Nunez, 21, had pled guilty to voluntary manslaughter and two counts of assault with a deadly weapon for his involvement in the 2008 stabbing death of Luis Santos on the San Diego State University campus.

Prosecutors said Nunez and his friends were irate after being turned away from a fraternity party and were looking for revenge. After drinking alcohol, prosecutors alleged, they headed out on the street and came upon an unarmed group that included Santos, 22.

Schwarzenegger issued an executive order sealing the correspondence he had received on the Nunez commutation and all other clemency cases that had gone before him.The move was unnecessary because unless a governor chooses to release the documents, all gubernatorial clemency records are sealed by law automatically for 25 years after a case is closed.

Santos father said the action proved Schwarzenegger "knew what he was doing was wrong."

"He knew this was wrong and he wanted to keep it a secret," Santos said.
In issuing the commutation, Schwarzenegger called the sentence excessive because Esteban Nunez did not stab the student who died. Authorities said Nunez stabbed two other men who survived. Under California law, his involvement in the crime made him responsible for the death of Santos.
Santos' parents, who live in the San Francisco Bay area city of Concord, accused the former governor of granting a favor to a political ally and said they had no notice about the action.
The Santos family is suing under Marsy's Law, which amended California's constitution to give victims advance notice of legal proceedings and the right to fight early release of felons. The lawsuit names Schwarzenegger and the state corrections department as defendants.
"Although he's allowed to commute sentences, he's not allowed to violate the constitution when he does so," said Laura Strasser, an attorney representing the Santos family.
Another attorney, Nina Salarno-Ashford, said the family's goal was to secure an injunction stopping the commutation and reinstating the original sentence.
Patton, the attorney representing Esteban Nunez, said Marsy's Law does not apply to the governor's authority to issue clemencies.
"Marsy's Law applies to the criminal justice system, and not to the executive branch," he said.
Whether the law does or does not apply to Arnold, it was a cold, political, chicken shit move. Hasta la vista, baby.  And if you watch this video you will get an idea of what kind of prick the Republican governor really is.


Anonymous said...

you're sounding like John and Ken on KFI, this is all they rant about...

Blue Heron said...

I don't listen to them. But hey, a powerful politician's son kills my kid and then gets a get out of jail free card from the governor, something is surely not right and people should be outraged. Arnold's caustic little smarmy retort shows what a piece of shit he really is.

Anonymous said...

Outrage and name calling i leave to others; a crime has turned into a travesty, and a tragedy.

Sanoguy said...

Nunez's kid had already had worked a plea deal to get the 16 years that a Arnold, in his infinite wisdom, then further reduced. Blatant political favoritism. You are correct, Robert... even though you sound a bit like John and Ken!!

Anonymous said...

actually, "the Arnold" commuted Esteban's sentence, from 16 to 7 years, he didn't pardon him; by either name, an egregious eleventh hour decision; interestingly, your pal, our county DA, Bonnie Dumanis is finally suing to have the commutation reversed; what took her so long?

the neighborhood bully

Blue Heron said...

Outrage, name calling and capitalizing your i's, as well...commendable.

Anonymous said...

so now with Arnold and Maria divorcing and the news of his out-of-wedlock child the media is really piling on i would say...

Blue Heron said...

You mean the sperminator?