
Yellow headed blackbird

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Well I ain't going down that lonesome road by myself...

We had a very nice meal at Vincent's last night, in Escondido. Favorite French restaurant around, and mostly free to boot courtesy of a gift certificate from R&D way back in October. Vincent's is a sleeping giant I have blogged about it before, you would never guess that the food would be so good on such an inconspicuous street. How do I humbly say that I have heard similar things about the Blue Heron Gallery?

Vincent Grumel does what he does and he does it exceedingly well.

Meal started off with a terrine of pate de fois gras, served with several slices of cured duck prosciutto and fig chutney. Awesome as always.

Leslie then had asparagus soup while I had the salad lyonnaise, greens, pancetta and croutons with a poached egg on top, served with a warm vinaigrette. Leslie had a caesar, which she liked but had giant croutons that no human could ever eat whole.

For an entree ordered the trois et trois tasting menu; I had duck confit with truffle oil on homemade noodles. A little bland frankly, I need sweet or more punch. Leslie had the beef wellington, which they overcooked. Our very nice serbian server was quick to get her a filet mignon cooked to perfection when she pointed out the problem.

We finished the night with the decadent chocolate marquis dessert. Washed it all down with a petit syrah blend from France.  Believe me when I tell you that you can never go wrong at Vincent's.

Last night was Cruising Grand, the big friday night bash where all the hotrods and assorted crazy people parade down Grand. Couple ladies dressed in period french like Marie Antoniette. Thank you R&D!


I got to the gym and immediately had a friend lay in to me about the need to lose 15 lbs. so I am going to take the hint and try to go on salad for a while. Say after tomorrow night.


Been a good day in the shop, sold four paintings, including one to a contemporary artist who was blown away by the circa 1840 classical rendering technique. Probably my best painting in the gallery but under appreciated and I sold it cheap and on time to boot. Because he was the first guy to ever appreciate it sufficiently.


My neighbor tells me we got hawk babies but I took pics today and never saw any baby heads. Soon. Today was the most dramatic weather change that I can remember in these parts.


One megalomaniacal preacher with an internet connection flutters his foul wings and twenty people die in the middle east. Chaos theory actively manifests itself in tandem with felony stupid.


More gnashing of teeth with the friendly folks at Bloodthirsty Liberal.


My buddy David Jacobs has just successfully utilized his transplant software in the first ten person kidney transplant that has ever taken place. David has worked very hard to bring this technology to the fore and it has cost him a fortune in time and money. But my friend, who underwent a kidney transplant himself due to a familial polycystic kidney condition, wanted to contribute something to this world, and did. Bravo for my great friend and congratulations!


Marie said...

Ah, Sonny Terry and Brownie McGhee! Brings back fond memories of my days in San Clemente in the early 70s, when I worked at the (mostly) folk music club, The Four Muses.

Sonny and Brownie played there several times and I will always remember the time I was invited to a private dinner with them at the club owner's apartment before their show. Great conversation and a great night to remember.

Wish there were more places like that around today. Lots of great artists played there before they were famous. I think I need to dust off the vinyl albums and go down memory lane again.

Blue Heron said...

Thank you Marie. Always appreciate your comments. I got to see them many times as well. Loved them. Also loved Mose Allison who is playing my area this week at eighty something. Never heard of the four muses but did see Danko at the Golden Bear on one of his solo tours.

I feel lucky to have seen so many great bluesmen and lucky to have seen Michael Bloomfield, even past his prime.

Anonymous said...

woman attacked by giant croutons, film at ll...

Anonymous said...

speaking of groovie gigs, North County surf band Superwave performed at our library (Fallbrook) this afternoon, in the open air alcove at the south end; very tight ensemble, all the Dick Dale/Ventures/etc hits; they play another free gig Saturday, April 16 at 3:00 at the Oceanside Days of Art festival; well worth checking out...for more info, email superwave@cox.net ...g.