
Sandhill crane

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Washed away.

Shawn is getting totally nailed in Thailand. Biblical floods. He said that he is beginning to reconsider the Mayan prophecies.

Yo bro!

  AAAUUUGGGHHH! We have had more rain in the last 4 days than in all the worst of previous storms! Last night my foreman Uhan called to say that my worker and his wife were stuck about 2 kilometers away in flood-waters! We jumped into my truck and though it took almost 30 minutes to get to "M" restaurant (about 1 kilometer away), managed to reach them halfway between there and the turnoff to Hua Thanon. My truck (pretty massive and never before 'endangered' by floodwaters) actually felt close to being swept off the road by waters halfway up the doors (neat effect when the headlights go underwater!). We managed to get them and their motorcycle into the truck and made it home by 10:30 pm. The worker's wife works in a shop in nearby Huathanon, rand they had received calls throughout the day saying that the surf was hitting the shop doors and floodwaters were streaming down the other direction. When they got a call at 4 pm saying it was getting worse with the high tide they had decided to go. While waiting for me, Cham made his way by foot to the turnoff at the ringroad only to find the waters there to be over 1 meter deep and rushing straight down the street to the sea so they gave up hope of reaching the shop and called me. Its still raining now at 8 am but not as hard as last night. The bike is still in the back of my truck so I have not ventured out this morning to see if I can do anything to help anywhere. Probably try in another hour or so.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Sawadee Krap Robert,

Pretty amazing display of weather. Saw a post on a forum stating that the BBC had Samui on their world weather report - 413 mm of rain in 24 hours. That alone is nearly equal to the usual rainy season and was only the most intense day of most of a weeks worth of rain.
the 3 pictures in the blog below that follow the picture of the bottled water are my only road access to the rest of the island. Spent the last two days in 4W drive and very happy to have a 4W 4D truck with high clearance and big tires.
still enjoying the blog, keep up the good work
