Saturday, March 5, 2011

Feast on the even toed ungulate.

Friday the National Pork Board decided to table their old "Pork - the other white meat" slogan for the new and trés catchy, "Pork - Be inspired." 

This sent my feeble brain into a bit of a loop, as I had never considered the inspirational quality inherent in this noble and apparently under appreciated beast.

Pork sales, which average about $117.00 per capita in America have been flat as a bacon strip of late and the folks at the National Pork Board don't intend to take the porcine doldrums sitting down. They plan on spending 11 million dollars in the next two months on their new ad campaign. There's even a new Pork - Be inspired website.

Americans eat approximately 50 lbs. of pork per year on average, compared to 61 lbs. of beef and 80 lbs. of chicken. Perhaps The National Porkers might have better followed Avis's advertising lead in looking at their poor third place finish with something like "Swine, we try harder." Or "Chicken dinner again? BORING!"

I am no advertising or promotional genius but I think that this new pork campaign is as ill fated as passing out pork chops at a Bar Mitzvah. Here's hoping that cooler hams prevail.


Bloodthirsty Liberal said...

You've crystalized my thinking, Robert, and not for the first time. First, the new slogan blows, as we all agree. But you know what? I love pork! It's way better than beef or chicken, and on par with (though different from) lamb. Chops, bacon, ham, rinds, trotters--find me an animal that can beat that. I'll wait.

Why not just say that? "Pork: because everything else blows. Except maybe lamb." I believe truth is an absolute defense in libel law, so you'd be safe there. But the best advertisement for pork might be a simple plate of charcuterie. Your heart might stop just looking at it. Your digestive system might strike in protest. But your salivary glands would kick into overdrive. "Pork: Because life is short."

Anonymous said...

You've found your calling, BTL. You are the new voice of pigdom.


Anonymous said...

Should change your name to BLT

shawnintland said...

My feeble brain went into a bit of a loop just knowing we have a "National Pork Board"!

Anonymous said...

We'd all be healthier and at least 20 pounds lighter if we all stopped eating the poor beasts...considering the destruction of the water table by industrial farming.....personally, am down to bean sprouts and ice cream.

Bloodthirsty Liberal said...

"Rib" me if you like, anonymi, but I have a gift.

"Pork: what part of 'bacon' don't you get?"
"Pork: from fatback to your belly in one delicious mouthful."
"Pork: it's not just for breakfast anymore."

But I think the "life is short" slogan may stick.

Blue Heron said...

Pork - it's not just for Congress anymore.

Anonymous said...

gotta have my carnitas, sorry....

Anonymous said...

doctors use pig enzymes to treat pancreatic illnesses.
politians use pork to treat lobbyist illnesses.

Anonymous said...


This is a inquiry for the webmaster/admin here at

Can I use some of the information from this blog post right above if I give a link back to this website?


Anonymous said...


Thanks for sharing this link - but unfortunately it seems to be down? Does anybody here at have a mirror or another source?


Blue Heron said...

No mirror, sure, thanks. Robert