Monday, February 28, 2011

Tally Ho

Not that it's any big but my blog dashboard shows that yesterday was my two thousandth post. Doesn't quite square with the onsite tally, which shows a mere 1971 of my exquisite offerings, but I have deleted a few things over time in order to present my readership with only the best in peak literary and auditory entertainment.


I took a little cruise through blogdonia last night by hitting the next blog button on the top of the screen. You get to visit other lands and see a lot of neat family pictures. Try it, it's fun. I was particularly enchanted by the antics of the Johnson family after daddy shot himself in the leg with the 9mm.


I have been quite interested in the twenty year old Saudi national in the news, who was thankfully caught redhanded during his quest to wreak terror and jihad on this country. Khalid Aldawsari, a chemical engineering student at Texas Tech and then South Plains College, was intent on fulfilling his lifelong dream of killing infidels and had been buying up large quantities of phenol, a chemical that can be used to make the explosive trinitrophenol, also known as TNP, or picric acid.

He listed 12 reservoirs in California and Colorado and President George W. Bush's home as targets for destruction in his emails. Khalid wanted to use baby dolls as delivery systems, which shows a nice feel for the macabre. He also planned on bombing a nightclub. The FBI found chemicals, a gas mask, a Hazmat suit, a soldering iron kit, glass beakers and flasks, wiring, a stun gun, clocks, and a battery tester at his residence as well as many notebooks describing his plans. Apparently the Saudi terrorist had been planning the attack for years and was financed by a Saudi chemical company owned by the royal family, SABIC, which sponsors over 400 students at 62 universities in the United States.

My question is, with study after study showing that the bulk of terrorist funding coming from wealthy Saudi Arabians, why are we giving these people valid visas, like our friend Khalid here had? The Times Square bomber admitted that his citizenship oath to this country meant nothing. The radical islamist believes that it is his duty to lie and cheat the infidel. For a bit of insight into this type of thinking read this article from Al Qaeda's own online magazine Inspire. Don't you think it would be advisable to take them at their word? Or is the State Department so controlled by arabists that halting the influx of terrorist killer tourists would represent a sticky wicket of bad form. Marquis of Queensbury and all that.

Now there are  approximately 1.57 billion muslims in the world according to Pew Research. If we concede that 99% of them are gentle followers of the Islamic religion of peace, we only need worry about 15 million seven hundred thousand of these violent wahabist wackjobs intent on establishing a global caliphate through terror. I will sleep better tonight with this knowledge. This 1% is like a virulent virus. Let's not make their job any easier. Profile, do whatever you have to do, the law of probability says that it is only a matter of time before one of these lone wolves is successful.  Come to America, get a good education and then show us your appreciation by blowing us up. Nice manners.

Not to mention the nasty habit of honor killing of your daughters or the beheading of the wives that aren't submitting properly. I think that it is time to nip this cultural exportation in the bud.


Last week I talked about number one shmendrick Noam Chomsky. This week I cast the blast's net at Richard Falk, the Princeton professor turned U.N. honcho who lavishly praised the Iranian revolution in 1979 in the NYT op-ed that I recently reprinted. U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice harangued Falk last week for his mishigoss and said Falk should be removed from his U.N. posts after he claimed on his blog that that there had been an "apparent cover-up" by U.S. authorities over the September 11, 2001, attacks. Falk had written that there were "well-evidenced doubts about the official version of the events: an al Qaeda operation with no foreknowledge by government officials."

He has taken part in a UN fact-finding mission which determined that suicide bombings are a valid method of 'struggle'.

Falk defended Vietnam era bomber Karleton Armstrong, who pleaded guilty to bombing the University of Wisconsin Army Mathematics Research Center, which killed a researcher working there and injured another four people. The New York Times reported that Falk "appealed for full amnesty for all resistors, including those who use violent tactics to oppose the war in Vietnam."

In 2004, Falk wrote the preface to David Ray Griffin's book The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11 which maintains that the George W. Bush administration was complicit in the September 11 attacks.

Falk, another self loathing yid who wants to show his great liberal objectivity to the world, regardless of the consequences, is fond of comparing Israel to Nazi Germany. He has embraced the islamic terrorist organization Hamas and has been a continual thorn in the side of the Palestinian Authority.

We have a winner for schmuck of the week, ladies and gentlemen.

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