Le Page is an idiot and he has things all wrong. BPA has been shown to change the sex of fish, but is an estrogen mimicker, meaning he is much more apt to grow a nice set of manboobs and have his penis and testicles disappear than the average yankee woman is to grow a beard.
It does have a lot of other very nasty affects on living species as documented by a 2007 study by the Environmental Working Group and a 2008 project by the National Toxicology Program. The EPA has deemed it a chemical of concern and it has been banned and listed as toxic in Canada. Dow Chemical has tried to strong arm researchers investigating the chemical as shown in this link.
Guess the goofballs are spread around the country pretty evenly.
Interesting article on Truthout yesterday, Why Monsanto always wins. Another chemical company that has its way with the United States government. And an article today that Monsanto GMO seeds may cause animal miscarriages.
The action in Wisconsin has been pretty ludicrous. A Republican governor banging his shoe on the table like Kruschev, imploring the 14 democrats to come back, but stating that he will not negotiate. This after the unions agreed to his give backs on health insurance and pensions, the only thing they are not willing to forsake is collective bargaining. I wouldn't either, let the petulant snot Walker pound sand. Polls show an overwhelming percentage (62 to 11%) of Wisconsin citizens are supporting the public workers on this one while they command 61% support nationally. Sort of like the national favorable ratings for health care reform that the repubs never want to talk about. Or Consumer Protection. Now Walker is threatening layoffs because things aren't going his way. I wouldn't negotiate with a gun to my head either.
This whole Wisconsin deal has been scripted by the conservative billionaire Koch brothers, who even had 40 buses filled with pro Walker agitators for the counter demonstrations rented and at the ready yesterday.
Walker needs to look in the mirror. He signed into law $122 million dollars in tax cuts at the same time he saw these large deficits looming. He made his own bed. At the Koch's bidding.
Indiana has fired Deputy Attorney General Jeff Cox today after he suggested that Wisconsin use live ammunition on its protesters. Maybe he can get a new job with Gaddafi?
Rich Santorum is waxing nostalgic for the Crusades.
From Mother Jones: New Georgia law could give women the death penalty for miscarriages.
Prescription drug addict and fat tub of goo Rush Limbaugh has a lot of nerve capping on the first lady for being fat and too heavy for the swimsuit cover of Sports Illustrated. I think that she has been a fine first lady and appreciate her for going to bat against childhood obesity. And the restaurant said the ribs only had 600 calories, not 1500, Rush. The conservative hatred for all things Obama is so ludicrous and so palpable and has now degenerated into the most ridiculous of ad hominem attacks.
Rich Santorum is waxing nostalgic for the Crusades.
From Mother Jones: New Georgia law could give women the death penalty for miscarriages.
Prescription drug addict and fat tub of goo Rush Limbaugh has a lot of nerve capping on the first lady for being fat and too heavy for the swimsuit cover of Sports Illustrated. I think that she has been a fine first lady and appreciate her for going to bat against childhood obesity. And the restaurant said the ribs only had 600 calories, not 1500, Rush. The conservative hatred for all things Obama is so ludicrous and so palpable and has now degenerated into the most ridiculous of ad hominem attacks.
Right on, Robert!!!
ReplyDeleteGov Walker is a right wing, one way jerk... Limbaugh is worse!! Keep it coming!!!
As you're keeping up on the protests in Wisconsin, Robert, I wonder what you think of the violent, misogynistic, homophobic, antisemitic nature of the pro-union forces. You can read about them at Michelle Malkin and Hot Air if you're not familiar with them.
ReplyDeleteI recall you tried to pin Jared Lee Loughner, the shooter of Rep. Giffords et al, on conservatives--a pin that didn't stick. What do you think of this level of uncivility among forces of the left?
Hey BTL, you know and I know that idiocy comes in all political stripes. I will let you call all pro union forces violent, misogynistic, homophobic and antisemitic on the basis of one sodomy suggesting asshole in Rhode Island and a single librarian looking milktoast in Wisconsin calling somebody a bad jew, if you allow me to characterize all conservatives and teapartistas as racist, fascist goons struggling with their innermost latent urges, intent on tearing down the American way of life as we know it. Or maybe we cut to the chase and just agree that people mostly suck. Walker looks like the guy in high school that I mostly wanted to punch in the nose.
ReplyDeleteActually, I don't think all pro-union forces are that way, but clearly a number of them are. I was curious to know what you think. And you told me.