
Sandhill crane

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fool me once...

It's been really hard to wear my new hat as the postpartisan "Robert." Try as I might, I just keep coming back to the fact that the Republicans are slimy prevaricators. I know, I know, both sides lie and connive, but they just seem so much better at it than the rest of us.

This last election we were told that "it was about the economy stupid" and that the conservative social agenda was getting put on the far back burner. Word in the last two days that that was just a line they were pedaling, it's now all hands on deck to outlaw abortion and abortion funding and news today that contrary to what they told the Log Cabin folks, a new push to outlaw gay marriage. Typical say anything to get elected, GOP sleight of hand. Shame on those of you who bought the line of crap. These so called libertarians are just stealth candidates who want to make everybody else toe their parochial moral line.

Of course now the GOP is trying to cast itself as the party of fiscal restraint too. Which would be kind of funny if anybody remembered what happened to the deficit the last time the GOP was in charge. Couple wars, a fat tax rebate for their friends and that Clinton surplus was gone in no time. But nobody does remember, the Bush Presidency was so long ago, they can pull it off with a straight face and nobody's the wiser.


Texas Republican Governor Rick Perry wrote an editorial against bailouts in the Washington Times last week - the same day he requested one from the federal government for 6.4 billion dollars.


Bravo to the nine republican congressmen who have given up their government subsidized health insurance. You know the health care that they want to repeal. Only 221 more members to go.


Kentucky Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell's idea of bipartisan negotiation - ""If the president is willing to do what I and my members would do anyway, we're not going to say no."


How the BUSHIES ended around the Hatch Act.


Gingrich - Eliminate the EPA. Because money has to trump health and safety every time.


Arizona Rep. Gov. Jan Brewer wants to cut 280,000 Arizonans off Medicaid.


Utah Republican Senator Mike Lee says that Federal Disaster Relief is unconstitutional - but wants millions of dollars of it anyway. He just doesn't see a conflict between his words and actions.


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