
Sandhill crane

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wrap Up

As we finish the third year of the blast, I think that congratulations and huzzahs are on order all the way around. I really appreciate the blast community, with its divergent opinions and beliefs, and the terrific input and dialogue we have had of late.

WindowDancer, E., RC, Wildbill, Brian V. and Jeff have been valuable new voices in our midst. I also love it when Millard writes in, anonymously, but usually with a ciao. Maybe the best writer of any of us. Works for the other team. Grumpy, Sanoguy and Kerry are there through thick and thin. Stan has been there since day one.

I appreciate all of the regular readers, the gals from Guacamole Gulch, Banar, Mike in Washington, Barbara, Tracy, Dave in Japan, My brother Buzz in Toronto, Linda in Los Angeles. Shawnin Tland. Ricardo. Loughlin. Brett. Joe. Keith. My wife. Cam. Denis. Melissa, Lena. MMWB. LeMasters. Dave. Jim Swan. Howard. DeGoff. Bijou. Frazer. Brigitte. Helms. TRZ. Jane. Reneé. Reth. Doug. Hudgins. Creech out there in Arizona. My cardiologist. All the lurkers. All you sad saps who landed here looking for porn. Everybody I forgot.

Some of you tell me that you only come for the music. That's cool. I'm back in the blues thing. I can listen to that Albert Collins video over and over again, it is so fucking good. What do you want to hear, any genre you want me to mine? Major 7th ballads from the seventies, perhaps?

I had a late fury and eclipsed last year's post totals and the whole thing still feels pretty good and I don't feel too cooked. If anybody wants to write a blog post, send in pictures or a poem or a story or anything, lets talk. Best of luck in the new year and be safe.


A guy was in the shop last week who was talking about the depression many of us feel in cold december. He said that as far as he is concerned summer started on December 21, when the light finally started increasing again and days got infinitesimally longer. I think I know where he is coming from. To the light!


windowdancer said...

THANK YOU... for putting out the only blog that I HAVE TO CHECK whenever I'm on the computer.

Despite the occasional disagreements I may have with some of your views I still believe that you are basically a "fair and balanced" man seeking the truth.

Always remember to follow your heart and conscious and never forget what Uncle Ben said. "With great power comes great responsibility."

Good luck in the coming year with life, and good luck with THE BLUE HERON BLAST!

Unless, of course, you're still planning on the big technology burning thing, in which case, as always...

Continue on your journey and walk in peace.


grumpy said...

all along i have hoped that the popularity of your blog would somehow spill over onto mine, but after a couple of years it looks like this is not going to happen; the world is not ready for classical guitar youtubes, odes to the wood racket era of tennis, and other equally arcane topics; it may never be...

still, i appreciate your allowing me to invade your space, despite the fact that i have abused the privilege; a repeat offender...

i too am heartened by the incremental lengthening of days; besides, the 2011 pro tennis season, the Sacred Tour, starts next week...

straight ahead, y'all.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year from Denver. Our first snow of the year as we speak. Loved your homage to Bloomfield, my very favorite guitarist who is not Jimi Hendrix.

Lets hope we hang in there next year as well.

Lew Bobrick

Anonymous said...

Man,there are too many blogs, mostly rehashes of the Weird News and intense navel gazings. But--here's the butt--yours is 0.01% better than most, and that itty bitty amount makes all the difference and makes me a sometime reader and commenter. Let's go crazy and go for 0.02% better in 2011!


Blue Heron said...

Heres to 0.02%!