
Sandhill crane

Monday, December 20, 2010

Thunder God

"It seems that Marvel Studios believes that white people should have nothing that is unique to themselves."CCC

The Council of Conservative Citizens, the southern white supremacist organization, has their liederhosen in a twist over the fact that Marvel Comics has cast a black man as a supporting actor in the new Thor movie.

From their website:

Marvel Studios turns Norse god black.

The relentless attack on European heritage has been expanded to mythology. Hollywood isn’t just re-writing recent history, they want to re-write European mythology and folklore with a left-wing multi-cultural slant.
Last week we brought you the story of how radical left-wing groups are demanding that the new Lord of the Rings prequel, a series based on northern European mythology, add non-whites to the cast.
This week Marvel Studios, a company already known for pushing left-wing ideology in its movies, released its trailer for Thor. The movie re-writes German mythology with a multi-cultural slant. The God Heimdall is played by a black man. An extra Chinese character is added to the pantheon for good measure as well.
Can you imagine the outrage if the same multi-cultural makeover was applied to other races?"

There is even a new Boycott Thor website. It had this gem: Marvel has a history of advocating for the left-wing. In early 2010 they even used their Captain America comic to attack the TEA Party movement. Marvel front man Stan "Lee" Lieber personally funds left-wing political candidates. Now Marvel has inserted left-wing social engineering into European mythology, casting a black man to play a Norse deity. 

Wonder why it was important to list Stan Lee's real last name? And hobbits and elves are northern european? Let me guess where the orcs came from.

CCC was in the news today when Mississippi Governor and potential Republican presidential hopeful Haley Barbour chose to celebrate their contributions to segregation in his state. Trent Lott took a considerable amount of heat a few years ago when he offered his support for the organization as well.

Jimmy Carter said last week that he thinks that America is ready for a gay president. Which makes sense, when you consider how well we have done with Obama and the race issue in this country.


Anonymous said...

You wouldn't cast Tom Cruise to play Jesse Jackson. Or would you?

Blue Heron said...

No, Jessie's not gay. And Asgard is not Xenu.

Anonymous said...

----- the nerve of some people... next they'll be
trying to get us to believe our Nord and Savior Jesus
Christ was black...

the Kiss selection was indeed god-awful, but I
found it also hilarious at times in a Spinal Tap
kind of way.
Dave in Japan

grumpy said...

This whole Tom Cruise being gay thing is a myth, if you ask me; isn't it enough that he's a Scientologist?