
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, December 20, 2010


Shimkus - (def. latin shim - to try to refute a complicated scientific principle; kus  - with pedantic and irrational theological precepts) 20th century. ex. We explained that the earth was round but we ran into a shimkus.

Rep. John Shimkus (R-IL) is the new chair of the Environment and Economy Subcommittee. This subcommittee has jurisdiction over energy policy, energy regulation and utilization and the Clean Air Act. I think that it is foolhardy to put a man who thinks the way this man does in such a position. Every hearing is now destined to become a bible study. And the grossest act of pollution is just part of god's infallible plan.

Hope you're happy.


Anonymous said...

other examples:

He don't know shimkus...I'll see yer shimkus and raise you one...Shimkus, shlimkus...It's beginning to look a lot like Shimkus...

Anonymous said...

Wow. Shimkus doesn't know bupkis.