
Sandhill crane

Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy Trails

1 comment:

North County Film Club said...

Three (Blue Heron) blasts from my past.
I loved Roy Rogers when I was a kid. I don't think girls were supposed to be fans but I was one. I even had a Roy Rogers lunch box. There weren't too many female super heroes except Wonder Woman who somehow didn't appeal to me. Maybe it was her outfit! But I did love Brenda Starr. Her fashions were great and I had all her paper dolls to prove it.
I saw Roy Rogers in person once in a sort of odd situation. We had a black maid. We weren't rich but my mother worked and she was more like a baby sitter. This was in Chicago. Carrie took us to a parade where Roy was the Grand Marshall. It was really a thrill. He was even riding Trigger. I didn't notice for awhile because I was so caught up in the excitement but then I happened to look around and my sister, brother, and I were the only white faces in the crowd. It wasn't menacing or anything like that but I just remember feeling different which is maybe how they feel in a similar situation.
Sorry to be so long winded but since no one else is commenting this time, I'll go on.
The other "blast" was The Chambers Bros. We used to go to see them often in L.A. My boyfriend at the time was quite a fan. I liked them, too, however I was never a fan of "Time" I liked everything else they did better. Nancy and I were trying to remember the club they usually appeared at, maybe "The Troubador" or "The Ash Grove" Do you know?
And, of course, last but not least, Bugs Bunny. Who doesn't have a soft spot in their memories for him?