
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, December 6, 2010


Republicans "have successfully used the fragile economic security of our middle class and the hardship of millions of jobless Americans as bargaining chips to secure tax breaks for the very wealthiest among us," said Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa.

President Obama's caving in to the Republicans on what should have been one of his strongest negotiating points - their insistence on tax breaks for their millionaire friends before they would extend unemployment benefits - was totally asinine and shows what kind of pussy he really is.

The Republicans were the ones that would have been feeling the heat on this issue and he lets them off the hook. Mitch McConnell should be smiling right now like the cat that ate the canary. National polls consistently show a majority of americans wants to keep those tax breaks exclusively for the middle class. The GOP only has empathy for the wealthy ruling class and their pals on Wall Street. Estimates are that this deal will add 700 billion dollars to the national debt. Remember, Obama campaigned on a promise to repeal the Bush-era tax cuts that benefit the wealthiest 2 percent of U.S. households.

I hope that the democratic leadership tells the president to pound sand on this one. Sherrod Brown and Schumer seem willing to. Obama once again wants to be the accommodating friend to all. He could use a little more streetfighting instincts. Rahm, you see what kind of sissy your homeboy really is? Pitiful.

Compromise is one thing - completely alienating the people who elected you to curry favor with a GOP who has obstructed you at every turn and have promised to totally obstruct your agenda is another.

I hope that the Democrats can field a stronger candidate in the next election. I will have a hard time voting for this spineless president.


Now the wacky wiki people have divulged a list of our most sensitive strategic sites around the world, the weak points in our armor. A road map for the shitheads to probe our defenses. You still think they are so swell, John Perry Barlow?

I am afraid that all of the Wiki enablers and sympathizers who argue for government transparency are now going to see the exact opposite occur. Intelligence will be more compartmentalized and "need to know." Sensitive diplomatic channels will hopefully now fully protected from these cyberhackers and anarchists. And governments will be justified in their caution and reluctance to share information. So instead of a more informed electorate, the probability is we will be kept further in the dark.


Wickiarmy attacks.

Mitch McConnell deconstructed © Robert Sommers


grumpy said...

I can't see the Dems nominating another candidate in 2012, unless Barack goes LBJ on us and announces he'll step down, which is possible.

Blue Heron said...

The prez is going all Juan Williams on us...

Anonymous said...

too many blogs, not enough time. say what?

Blue Heron said...

Obama says that he refuses to be bound by an abstract principle. I call it being had.

Anonymous said...

lying in bed half awake last night as i witnessed the Lakers and the Wizards go back and forth at Staples, i switched to MSNBC at one of the breaks, and Keith and Rachel were making the same points pretty much, minus the expletives of course; like here's Their Guy, whom they fawned over previously, and now they're treating him like friggin' Benedict Arnold... i say, give the Prez a break; so he made a deal with the devil to save unemployment benefits; this is politics, folks, welcome to the real world.

Anonymous said...

(A forethought to remind one: The poor have NO money; the middle class are barely treading water; and the rich have ALL the money. In a Capitalist society, a broad difference between the haves and havenots is not only enevitable it is desired)

One thought entered my head when reading the headline '........President calls for %2 cut in tax....'. Obama just got himself re-elected. The $700B lost to the economy (actually money never earned by the govt., money not collected) is from the tax collecting TODAY, if our ecomomy was stagnant, never to increase. The simple fact is that is $700B injected into Nancy P and Harry R's moribund trickle up poverty scheme.
And that's it folks. That's what will do it. By summer we will be burnin. and churnin. The whole kiss the union's and activist's asses was so 2009-10. We are back to reality and we are gonna make the rich feel so good that investment will be back in style, open their wallets and you will be able to feel a palpable orgasm in the spheres, by spring you'll think it grew on trees. Socialism? Smocialism! Marx, Lenin and Keynes can kiss my Geithner!

Blue Heron said...

It is hard to take you seriously churnin' and burnin' after you butcher the spelling of inevitable so...

Anonymous said...

Enevitably, we will prevail!