
Sandhill crane

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Letter from Peoria

I got this email a few minutes ago.

I have never witnessed you write so many subjects, so different from each other, so FAST! Man, you're on a roll.
I do think there are a lot of good well meaning Christians, enough to cancel all the bullshit from the rest, so give Christmas a break and respect those who are meaningful about their religion, no matter how you feel about it.


Well K, I write back. I don't think that I am bagging on it (Christmas) or them. Just the assholes who don't want anyone else doing things their own way.


But on to the first part of his email. Don't you see K, I am 13 away from my initial year's output mark of 600 posts and a mere 39 posts away from last year's tally of 625. I am popping three a day, and I got 20 days left, not really a math wizard, but hey, this thing is doable. That is why I have been cranking, because I can't just stop at 587. When you put gas in your car can you stop at $15.87? Hell no, put twenty in. Same shit. Wish me luck.


Anonymous said...

I agreed with your blog. I hate the tacky capitalist commercialization of Christmas and find no problem in calling Christmas season; Happy Holidays. Very few Americans understand or give a flying fuck that Christmas is a religious holiday and not some phony gift swapping day. I like Jethro Tull's Christmas song.
But give me a break, Jeff's comments were insulting. You edit that shit out of your comments all the time, why not this time? You even deleted a couple of other comments on that very same blog. I doubt you'd let an asshole offend Hanukah as Jeff did Christmas. Maybe Jeff should explain why he hates Christmas so much.

(Holiday/holy day)
I feel like Grumpy on this one.

Blue Heron said...

I delete comments when they are boring or trite or reactive or stupid. Rarely to exercise editorial control. The ones I deleted the other day were because I was too stupid to properly set up the html link.

And I have a lot of respect for Jeff. He went through a lot of shit with the church and I never had to walk in his klompen. I find him refreshing.

Blue Heron said...

And if you want to shtupp Chanukah in the heinie, as you mentioned on the phone, well have at it, hombre.

Happy Holidays, oh sorry, Merry Christmas.Don't want to offend.

Blue Heron said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


windowdancer said...

In regards to your "It Ain't Easy" post...

Maybe God is pissed off at you for constantly ragging on Christians and has decided it's time to bend you over and give you a good screwin' from behind.

Just a thought.

Anyway, I'm sorry for all your hardships and troubles but when times are tough remember what Freewheelin' Franklin used to say.

"Dope will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no dope."

Now... Go seek the truth and quit your whining.


Blue Heron said...

Waiting to hear from Fat Freddie's cat.

grumpy said...

anonymous, thanks for the plug, but in retrospect i overreacted on the comment you are referencing (what else is new?); if Jeff's sentiments are f*** Christmas, that's fine with me; in many ways i agree with him; expletives just make me uneasy, a failing of mine; as for the other guy, who wants to set himself up as his own Deity, hey, i got no problem with that, either; whatever works for him; just treat others as you'd want to be treated; personally, i'm sick of all these corporations getting on the Christmas bandwagon, it's such a holier than though attitude; i can't stand Radio Shack, for other reasons, but big kudos to them, and CVS, for observing the "holidays"...peace out.

Anonymous said...

Apologies all around. Don't care much for many aspects of Christmas, but the F-Bomb was uncalled for. I also do not believe there is a "war on Christmas." Give me an F-bombing break. :) Any who, Happy Winter Solstice to all. Merry Festivus for the rest of us, and all that. Also, for the record, if god (small "g" intended) is pissed off at someone and decides to bend them over and give them a good screwing, well, that is the sort of god I have no use for whatsoever.

grumpy said...

holier than thou, i meant to say; blame it on holiday burnout.

Anonymous said...

All these references to anal sex. I'm sensing a very gay undercurrent here. Anybody care, or dare, to comment?

Blue Heron said...

K was very upset and told me that he merely asked - What would you say if I said fuck Chanukah in the ass. I replied to have at it but at no times was he sanctioning the actual act.

As to the sudden bhblast interest in sodomy, what yee thinks me pillow biting pirates, anyone care to raise your jib and answer the good man?

Anonymous said...

One thing I find amusing are all the euphemisms for the dirty deed, such as pain in the butt, taking it up the wazoo, etc. I'm sure there are lots more.

windowdancer said...

God is a concept by which we measure our pain... John Lennon

Fudge packing is a concept by which I would measure mine... Windowdancer


Anonymous said...

This blog and its comments have gone too far.
If people want to celebrate only Christmas and exclude any other Holiday reference, that should be their perogative. We live in the United States not Iran. If people feel that Christmas is segregative against their religion then they have a right to express their opinion. We live in America, not North Korea.
Two wrongs don't make a right.
No one has the right to curse at another in the name of God or religion, so with that said, I apoligize to you Jeff.
I suggest WE ALL realize how lucky we are to live in a country where you can express your opinions (especially in light of the way politics are going) and enjoy this Holiday Season.

Anonymous said...

Seeing as how the 25th of this month has now become MY day, I would ask that respect be shown. No more talk of backdoor penetration, or goosedown mastication. The day has once more taken on a most HOLY attribution and all donations should be addressed to this blog for dispersal.....to me.

The Holy See

Blue Heron said...

KJ - no one cares if anyone says Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday or chupa mi huevos, the concern is a group of people boycotting business establishments for not addressing people in their favored, and in this case religious,way. Reread the post. It seems like extortion to me.

Anonymous said...

That's what I love about this blog-it's pretty much an open forum; love the way you paraphrase Lennon, WD; excellent.