
Yellow headed blackbird

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sifting through the wreckage

Queen Califia and her amazon warriors - Maynard Dixon, Frank Van Sloun
Mark Hopkins Hotel, San Francisco

It is known that to the right of the Indies there exists an island called California very near the terrestrial paradise; and peopled by black women among whom there was not a single man since they lived in the way of the Amazons. They had beautiful robust bodies, spirited courage and great strength. Their island was the most impregnable in the world with its cliffs and headlands and rocky coasts. Their weapons were all of gold . . . because in all the island there was no metal except gold. And there ruled over that island of California a queen of majestic proportions, more beautiful than all others, and in the very vigor of her womanhood. She was not petite, nor blond, nor golden-haired. She was large, and black as the ace of clubs. But the prejudice of color did not then exist even among the most brazen-faced or the most copper-headed. For, as you shall learn, she was reputed the most beautiful of women; and it was she, O Californias! who accomplished great deeds, she was valiant and courageous and ardent with a brave heart, and had ambitions to execute nobler actions than had been performed by any other ruler — Queen Califia.

Las sergas de Esplandián (The Adventures of Esplandián), written around 1510 by the Spanish writer Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo

I am back up in San Francisco, getting set up for the Hillsborough Antique Show in San Mateo. Somehow I pinched a nerve in my back driving up in the cramped rental van and I am pretty miserable. Add the election results and I am in real pain. Giants fans are positively giddy.

I guess it could have been worse for our country. Angle, O'Donnell, Buck, Whitman, Fiorina, Tancredo and Miller can now hopefully disappear, and maybe never be seen again on the public stage. Rand Paul is in and Boehner will be the new speaker. In Iowa, three Supreme Court Justices were removed for having issued rulings that were seen as favorable to gay people. So much for an independent judiciary.

Proposition 19, the Marijuana Initiative went down in smoke. I looked at the voting county by county and couldn't help notice that Mendocino, Lake and the other big bud growing counties were firmly against legalization. Maybe the status quo didn't want anyone cutting into their action.

Nice to see my home state stay blue in a country getting redder by the minute. Nice try Meg and Carly, we didn't buy it.

The markets are happy. Traditionally they have favored the electoral balance that occurs with a Democrat Executive and a Republican Congress. Perhaps we don't really want change in this country after all. Maybe having a split electorate helps ensure that things move along soberly and paralytically. The Republicans are claiming a mandate and have announced plans to gum up the works. Bipartisanship looks impossible in this heated climate with its attendant rhetoric. Republican moderates are now as rare as hen's teeth in the political arena.

Perhaps it was foolhardy for Obama to tackle something as far reaching as health care reform while we are in the grips of such a financial crisis. I would not want to bet on him winning another term. How does he make something positive out of the rest of his tenure in office?

I don't see any olive branches being offered by McConnell and the new victors. It is going to stay ugly. We are pretty evenly split as a people. We liberals may have to go back on defense. Fine. The Republicans may need our help someday enacting their agenda. You know the agenda: race baiting, polluting, anti gay, creationist, licking the corporate boot, anti abortion, anti worker, anti union, privatizing social security, doing away with medicare, anti consumer protection, erasing the barriers between church and state. I hope that we will remember their obstructionism in the future. Payback is always a bitch.


grumpy said...


so our guv-elect JB is at his lovable moonstruck best again, going on about how breakdowns (in the political process, presumably) can lead to breakthroughs; not sure what he means exactly but i kind of dig the vagueness of it all.

Anonymous said...

I have teeth,Conservative in nature for a Hen. Lest not forget collective bargining created the most overpaid unproductive group of people in our history. Who is going to pay their pension. Thank you Mr. Moonbeam for laying the track down, I can't wait for his next trick. Love the liberals, this might become my favorite web site. Have fun Robert,
Obsean (I hope this gets approved)

Blue Heron said...

Absolutely - thanks for chiming in.

Sanoguy said...

On Friday, I was driving down Hwy 76 in Bonsall. In front of the small strip center which house the post office, two ladies were set up on the side of the road. They had their table and umbrella. They had a big sign that said "Impeach Obama", "Sign Petition". I didn't see any cars pulled over at the moment. I almost stopped to ask them which high crimes and misdemeanors he was being impeached for ( did he have an affair with an aide????, did he get drunk and disorderly??? or.....???).

I chickened out and didn't stop. Probably just as well. I might have performed my own high crime or misdemeanor.

Anonymous said...

Your readers haven't a clue about elected bigot hack dentist Paul Gosar, R 1st District AZ.
I do, I'm from Arizona.
Mark my words, he will be as negative, explosive, destructive, and as outspoken as Michelle Bachmann, Newt, R
Lush Bimbo or Orangeface, our new speaker of GOP propaganda.
He is in the pockets of the ADA and anti government [any Democrat bills, liberal, progressive or fair laws] He wants to do away with Social Security, is for outsourcing jobs to China, repealing ObamaCare and eliminating the V.A.
He was supported by Sarah Palin, the NRA, the tea farters, and Joe Arpaio. His ego will not allow him to stand back in the crowd.
A gentle warning to all your California readers of the travesty to come from this two bit thug.

grumpy said...

a similar Impeach Obama table was set up on Mission in front of the Fallbrook post office on Friday, might have been the same one, i don't know, i didn't stop; just what this town needs, right? for years we had to live down Tom Metzger, and now this.