
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, November 1, 2010

Photoshow Redux

Had a great opening the other night. Huge crowds and quite a few sales. Here is a picture of most of the photographers that exhibited at the first Local Color photography show at the Pinnell Gallery in Fallbrook. Not shown are Jon Harwood, Louis Nidorf and Dixon Fish, who had to leave early. From left to right: Bob Feuerstein, Ken Seals, Thomas Sauerwein, me, Grant Brittain, Retha Evans, Taylor Buck, Leven Jester, Brett Stokes, Lena Leichtling and Mike Reardon, our own Sanoguy.

I am so proud of everyone's work and their participation in this show. People were blown away by the quality of the work and each artist had his or her admirers. If you haven't seen it, I hope that you can take the time to check it out sometime in the next month. A very talented and diverse group.

Special thanks go out to Debbie Ramsey of the Village News for a great full page article and Jennifer and Ed Paprock of Pinnell Gallery who hosted the show, which was actually originally Ed's idea. I also want to thank Nick Johnson of California Watercolor.com for allowing me to use his incredible Canon Printer for my large scale photographs. A big note of thanks to Dominick Grossi from Dominick's Deli for sending over a great big antipasto tray, gratis. Graci.

The party eventually made it across the street to my gallery, where we were treated to a momentary power outage. Eventually things got really quite combustible, causing a few timid souls to flee. But mostly a lot of happiness. Thanks to everybody for making it a great night and show. Thanks for everyone in attendance.


Sanoguy said...

Robert... You are most correct... great show and a great opening... thanks again for organizing and including me in this most distinguished group!!!

Let's do it again in '11!!!!!!

grumpy said...
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grumpy said...

Sanoguy had the best photo in the show, the one of the headless manikins...