
Yellow headed blackbird

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Local Color Postscript

The photo show was a lot of fun and I think a great success. I got to expose some great photographers to the community, the first private gallery, all photo show, ever in Fallbrook. Every photographer had his or her admirers. Not a weak link in the bunch, everyone plumbing their own unique vision. The opening was totally packed and we made some sales. Killer party afterward at the Blue Heron.

I don't feel comfortable putting the artist's actual photos on the blog, in light of the way images are getting appropriated these days. Here is a smattering of shots that Lena took from the show which will hang at Pinnell Gallery through the end of the month.

1 comment:

Sanoguy said...

Thanks once more, Rober' for all that you have done!!!