
Yellow headed blackbird

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Have you seen the little...?

I am on the run today and don't have the time to write. I want to touch on something that I will extrapolate on later. The Republicans will have things fucked up in no time. Kyl just quashed the nuclear talks with Russia. GOP will do everything in their immense power to gum up the works on everything. In two years voters will be sick to death of them. And so it goes on and on.


Sanoguy said...

I agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whole heartedly!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

So Obama gets re-elected in '12? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Sanoguy said...

RE:Obama and 12...... if Sarah Baby is the nominee, he will win. If Newt is the nominee, he will win ( Newt has a bunch of his own issues... particularly involving his love life). Romney.... he has the distinction of implementing "Romney Care" in Mass... that will be a problem for him. Jeb Bush has the problem of having a brother named George. Tim Pawlenty has a shot, although he is a relative unknown. Huckabee is a likable guy, he has some problems re: criminals he let out of jail who went on to kill people.

They all have warts.

Obama's success or lack of same will also be dependent on the unemployment rate. If it is down near 8% the better his odds.

Take these prognostications to Las Vegas!!!

J Grant Brittain said...

I hate the Party of "NO!"

Blue Heron said...

the party of angry, the party of ugly...

Anonymous said...

Politics is show business for ugly people.


windowdancer said...
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windowdancer said...
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windowdancer said...
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windowdancer said...

Here's the deal... in my opinion.

You can blame the state of our nation on anything you want. The party of no, George Bush, Sara Palin, The Tea Party, Blue Dogs, Lieberman, Kennedy's death, whoever or whatever.

Bottom line is we were promised "CHANGE YOU CAN BELIEVE IN" and the Democrats had a shot. They owned Washington for a brief period of time. The House, the Senate and the Presidency. Think about it. THE DEMOCRATS HAD THE POWER...What did I get for my vote?

A credit card reform bill that screwed me to the wall. They jacked up all my interest rates to over 30%. They cut all my credit lines down to what I owed. They closed all of my accounts that were paid in full. My monthly payments doubled. I had a great credit rating and never missed a payment. My credit score is now destroyed and I no longer use cards (a blessing in the long run).

Then there's that darn Health Care Bill. They really could have made history here, but those "GUTLESS WONDERS", under the guise of reaching across party lines passed a piece of shit legislation that once again, screwed me to the wall.

My rates soared through the roof and had I kept my policy it would now cost me over twelve thousand dollar a year.

These are changes I am forced to believe in.

Wall Street bailouts, Automotive bailouts, Banking Industry bailouts... Everything tailor made so that the rich MAKE MORE MONEY and us poor old working class heroes...well, "still fucking peasants as far as I can see"

Make no mistake, both the Democrats and Republicans are responsible for it all.

As a side note, both Democrats and Republicans voted to go to war and both sides continue to fund it.

So bitch and moan all you want but at the end of the day the DEMOCRATS HAD THE POWER and did nothing with it. The only change you can truly believe in is that nothing really does.


windowdancer said...

And on a more positive note...

Your Dragonfly photograph is amazing.


Blue Heron said...

Hey thanks, I have a lot of very stunning dragonfly shots - will try to post more soon.

Anonymous said...

Stop the presses! Politicians make promises they don't keep!!

(You naive baby. STFU.)

grumpy said...

do post more of those dragonfly shots, Robert, they are beautiful ...so how is the Del Mar show going? maybe the rain will actually help attendance...my gut tells me if Palin runs in '12, she wins; gulp.

windowdancer said...

Grumpy... I have to agree with you on the Palin has a shot thing. Never underestimate the stupidity of the American people when it comes to someone running for office that they can relate to.

And if you throw a strong liberal 3rd party candidate into the race... Well, there goes that glass ceiling (and the neighborhood).


grumpy said...

yuppers, Sarah for sure has that Reagan thing goin' for her, that aw-shucks mindset; never underestimate it's power.