
Yellow headed blackbird

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Frostbitten Funnies

I don't have a horse in the Alaskan Senate race. You have an admitted liar, Tea Party Joe Miller, who sends his thugs after innocent reporters, in one corner, against Lisa Murkowski, the nepotistic heir to the family fiefdom who never met a big business interest she didn't love and pander to. Alaskans have this strange notion that they own or are entitled to exploit all of the federal land in their state and if left unimpeded, the state will soon look like a polluted suburb in China or maybe Texas.

Having said all that, the Senate race is definitely a curiosity. Murkowski was the write in candidate and overtook Miller and the democrat's candidate in the election vote. However she has a difficult polish name and evidently many voters just wrote in Lisa M or tried to botch and misspell Murkowski in one of the countless ways that it can be botched. Miller, and Alaska election law is pretty emphatic that there can be no deviation in such matters so it is possible that Miller may pull this one out, now with the blessing of the GOP establishment and intent of the voters be damned.

One side of me thinks that it would serve them right to have an extreme nut job like Joe running the show and that they deserve what they get, but experience shows that there really is no candidate too extreme for the Republican Party and he will probably fit in just fine with the rest of the crazy bunch.

From Wicki:

Joe Miller opposes federal aid programs such as federal farm subsidies, the federal minimum wage, and unemployment benefits.
He would eliminate the U.S. Department of Education.
Miller supports a repeal of the Seventeenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which would return the election of U.S. Senators to the state legislatures.
He would reduce American foreign aid.
He would vote to repeal the 2010 health care legislation.
He supports privatizing (or "personalizing") Social Security and Medicare for younger workers and would remove the federal government as the social security provider, and give the states option of providing their own social security type programs.
He believes that scientific evidence for Global warming is "dubious at best."
Miller opposes abortion, including in cases of rape and incest, and would allow it only when the mother's life is in danger. He describes himself as pro-life.
He supports the death penalty.
Miller stated at a town hall meeting that he believed the Berlin Wall was an example of a nation taking effective measures to control illegal immigration.


Stan S said...

since this is cyclical, the sooner the lunatics can deconstruct our culture, the better....just history repeating itself....the fundamentalistic, reactionaries versus the progressive dreamers. Old as the hills.
Alaska doesn't count by the way.....a Canada for stupid people. Full of idiots with guns and mosquitos...keep them there, out of harm's way.
Your elitist Jewish intellectual pal from New York,
Stan S

(In reality, a college dropout and atheist, but don't tell anyone...I want to be thought of as an East Coast elitist, commie)

WildBill said...

This crazy stuff is not all that new; check out this 10 year old clip from MadTV.