
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, November 15, 2010


I went to see my chiropractor and friend Richard in Cardiff.
Afterwards I stopped by Ron and Lena's. Ron and I decided to go out for lunch and he suggested Bulltaco.

Bulltaco is the most unusual taco stand that you will ever find. For one thing it is located in the campground at the state beach in Cardiff, next to the concession stand. We parked on Coast Highway and walked in.

Really interesting menu. Foie gras tacos, oyster, lobster, duck, king crab. They had alligator tacos on the menu for a while, I am told.

I had three street tacos today, a duck for $2.50, a pork for  a dollar fifty and a lobster for five bucks. Ron had the ahi. Really cooked beautifully in complex sauces. We sat over the ocean and caught all the beautiful scenery, which was aplenty.

I can't wait to go back for another taste.


grumpy said...

Dios mio, i just checked out their website, and the menu is off the hook; and they have an Oceanside location as well; love their slogan, "inauthenic Mexican"; i am so there, can't wait.

Sanoguy said...

I haven't been to Bull Taco yet, but, I have heard from a number of people that it is a great place. It is in the San Elijo State Beach campground area, just south of Swamis in Encinitas and just north of the beach at Cardiff.

Anonymous said...

God I miss living in cardiff in the 1970's. 3 story, 3 bedroom ocean view duplex...rent was $375. Those were some wonderful times.

Brian V

Blue Heron said...

I remember your pad. Tom Falcone and Kevin Barry, right? I had a swinging place on the end of San Elijo with a lusty cougar on the corner. Those were the days, my friend...

Anonymous said...

Dave M and Dave Shigamatsu. Shig is the guy with the coors can bong in the Grateful dead movie. I still have ticket stubs from Jerry Garcia Band @ La Paloma Theatre...1975? maybe 74 and 75...yes those were golden times. Bicycles surfboards great ganja and refining the art of just hanging out!

Brian V

Blue Heron said...

I remember them both. I was at the Jerry show and still have the rare Kenny Sanders poster from the insane Kingfish show there.

Anonymous said...

Dude, like, I'm getting an outrageous contact high from all this nostalgia.

Blue Heron said...

My first pad in Encinitas was at the Lanakai Apartments at 3rd and I streets. It was 75 bucks a month.
1975. It was a very cool place then, hallucinations not withstanding. Would love to go to the LaPaloma Theatre and lay down on the couches and watch the late night stuff. Nude Beach at Boneyards. Hobbit Houses, Leucadia Flea, Alex Press mycelium and kind bud.

Anonymous said...

The mycelium, that was really great. The couches at La Paloma those were fabulous! Late night cult and art films sooo cool. Those are two of many great memories I can still remember. But the relaxed, leisurely pace of life is what I so enjoyed. I was never in a hurry. La dolce vita!!

Brian V

Blue Heron said...

I feel your pain, Brian. Life now in Humboldt must be so damn stressful.

Anonymous said...

point well taken.

Brian V

Anonymous said...

Now you can rent a studio apartment from your stoner friends kids who grew up worshipping $$$$ For $2000 a month you can re-live your hippie days on medical marijuana.