
Yellow headed blackbird

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Atlas Shrugs

Today I am sitting in a cold barn on a rainy day, in a booth full of pretty expensive paintings, with which I am attempting to tempt the teeming masses.

Didn't have a hell of a lot of luck yesterday, but didn't fall into my normal homicidal, despondent funk so perhaps there is hope for me.

Last night I slept at my friend Ron and Lena's on the coast and woke up in mid sleep with the realization that my back and neck were not hurting.

This is big because I have been in pain for months. Two realizations: I desperately need a new bed and Lena had the perfect pillow, something that I have been lacking. Literally sorely. I asked her about the soft squishy little gem and she told me where the dreamy goose down marshmallow could be procured, maybe still on sale. I am going to spring, price be damned. Cheaper than another trip to the chiropractor.


Please touch my junk.

We were talking about physical intimacy over coffee this morning and I joked that I was so in need of a little sugar that I thought about going down to the airport and pretending to board a plane so that I could get a free grope. Just kidding but I wanted to be on record with the quip before some big city writer beat me to the punch with it.


People are sure funny. Had a woman come into the booth yesterday and tell me that my wife couldn't be happy with all the weight I had supposedly put on. Well as they say in Fallbrook, piss off beehatch, why don't you let my wife worry about that.

Lots of people ask about my medical condition - hey, my cancer was so last year. Seriously, I don't even think about it, unless I am trying to score my legal pot card. I tend to cycle through these things rather quickly. But thanks for asking.


Ron and Lena have the perfect island style home. Tastefully decorated through their exquisite eye and workmanship and their many trips to the orient. High tech plumbing fixtures that are too difficult for a simpleton like me to figure out. Embarrassingly had to ask for the owner's manual. Had a wonderful dinner and breakfast with them. Gave her a lesson on some of the high tech photo software that I mess with.


We were talking about physical intimacy this morning. I have noticed that many of the people that I have met that admit to being bottle fed rather than breast fed seem to be less huggy and are perhaps less apt to be physically affectionate than their counterparts. Wonder if any studies have ever been done. Perhaps they get mildly aroused at the smell of warm latex, I don't know.


I have had a large number of blog readers approach me this show. At one point last night, everyone of the many people in the booth was a devotee.  People I didn't even know read the damn thing were offering me comments on my life story. It is very flattering and I thank you all.