
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, October 4, 2010


San Luis Rey Mission - early etching

Big day for the Blast. At the risk of sounding too self congratulatory, my blog post "View from the Railbird's Perch" got picked up by three national blogs today, Crooks and Liars, Gawker and Democratic Underground, resulting in thousands of fresh hits. First time that a multiple linkup has ever happened for the Blast. Thanks, everybody! Hope that the new visitors will take the time to have a look around. I haven't exactly figured out how to sell out yet, so I get a huge psychic reward when I do get read. Welcome earthlings, I come in peace.


Leslie is back in Michigan for a wedding so it has just been me and the burmese cat, Nigel. He's getting a little tired of me, too.


Anonymous said...

hey robbie, check out crooks and liars where they refer to blue heron for a handicap of the cal gov's race. congrats and i love you, buzz

Anonymous said...

Well, just read Crooks and Liars and saw the link to you......glad that they appreciated your handicapping as much as I did. You're on a roll!

grumpy said...
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Anonymous said...

Congrats Rob! A very well deserved recognition. BTW I had no idea you knew that much about horse racing, love the metaphor. I have spent a bit too much time and money at the track myself but no serious regrets, had lots of fun. I hear a Hollywood blockbuster about Secretariat is in the filming stages. And finally "The Race is On" one of the greatest examples of an over extended metaphor brought to my attention by the good old Grateful Dead.

Brian V

Anonymous said...