Yellow headed blackbird
Friday, October 8, 2010
Every thing's going to hell Department.
This stuff is really starting to break on the national news and probably redundant to most of you. Banks foreclosing on people when they don't even have legal title - WSJ ran a great series of articles some months back. Don't have time this morning to give it proper justice.
You are sitting in your living room when you hear an intruder. You call 911. It turns out to be an agent from the bank changing your locks. But wait, the house isn't in foreclosure.... Read about this woman in Florida's mortgage nightmare.
Or poor Jason Grodensky.
A defense attorney's view.
U.S. Bank and Wells Fargo commit fraud - Florida Judge.
More from the WSJ.
Bank of America temporarily halting all foreclosures.
Recite the Pledge of Allegiance or go to jail.
Mother abandons son at 15 years of age, now sues him for support payments.
Millionaire Tea Party candidate likes to dress up as a Nazi - Atlantic
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but at least i'm enjoyin' the ride.
"Recite the Pledge of Allegiance or go to jail."
I have been fascinated in last few years with the history and controversy of the pledge. Here, for what it's worth, is a brief history:
From 1892 up until 1942, the pledge salute used was a military salute to the chest or brow, and then extend the arm straight out with the palm facing the flag (think NAZI)
The original pledge:
"I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
(Francis Bellamy for a Columbus day celebration, also promoting subscriptions for "The Youth Companion" magazine by earning premiums to purchase flags)
Changes and additions:
1923 the Flag of the United States
(The National Flag Conference - for new immigrants)
1924 of America
(The National Flag Conference - for new immigrants)
1942 and to the Republic
(77th Congress - proper recitation)
1954 under God,
(Knights of Columbus, congress, Eisenhower - to differentiate us from the communist heathens)
I wonder if the lawyer would have gone to jail if he recited the pledge as originally created?
GOP scrubs lovable nazi from website.http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/10/republicans-scrubs-nazi-impersonating-house-candidate-from-young-guns-websiter.php?ref=fpa
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