
Yellow headed blackbird

Friday, September 10, 2010

7 ways of the meek

much nicer watched in full screen mode.


Anonymous said...

Co incidenta music-

I am photographing the HOWL Festival (leaving here in 30 mins).
Last night was the annual reading of HOWL by a cast of poets, led by Robert Holman.
It was spectacular and poorly attended. Was sorry I wasn't shooting video. Good to see the remains of the old guard...the old friends of Ginsberg and Tuli etc....very few are left at least on the LES. Been pushed out by gentrification.

Instead of the Diggers giving out free food in Tompkins Square Park, we now have the local Born Again-ers....probably the same people.

Met a guy last night who found an original John Egan harp from the 1700's in a dumpster. I had read about this in the Times a few years ago. The man who invented nylon strings was a Mr. D'Adario. Yes, that Mr. D'Adario. He had a thing for collecting stringed instruments. When he died, his family were beside themselves trying to find homes for his collection. The harp was mistakenly tossed. One of the rarest of harps in the world. The owner is a Celtic musician and has been saving up his money to get it fully restored. Can you imagine coming across that dumpster one evening? HOLY CRAP! I am getting the chills. Have to wonder if anything got thrown into the landfill....hope not.

So anyway, it was good to listen to your Jazz poet this morning.
HOWL is featuring an all day meditation and some acoustic groups and a whole lot of very nice looking people.


Blue Heron said...

Thanks S. I love Ken Nordine - what a set of pipes. This piece reminds me of James Joyce - come to think of it, so does the Popeye, streams of consciousness left in Finnegan's wake. Enjoy your day, they are setting up for 9/11 outside.

island guy said...

Seemed very Beat. Was surprised at the 2010 copyright Dark thoughts but bright colors towards the end - changed the feeling for me. Sarte meets (Peter)Max?