
Sandhill crane

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The southwest furthers

I know that it is supposed to be work but what a wonderful day I had! When I left the hotel I saw this gent playing his guitar standing atop a bridge over the dry wash in Winslow. I drove around the block and came back and snapped his picture. Local inhabitant named Jay Callaway. Likes the town because it is quiet and he can concentrate on his music. Plays his own stuff, only two covers in his repertoire. Missing a couple chiclets. Cool cat.

I had a wild hair and made a move early on today that proved fortuitous. I got off the highway. Instead of going my usual route to Albuquerque on Interstate 40, I looked at the time and said screw it and headed for the reservation.

I took highway 87 north towards Second Mesa. Stopped first at the Painted Desert lookout and snapped a few pics. As you travel farther up the road near Dilkon you start to encounter the beautiful buttes and mesas that resemble Shiprock. Everything is still so green and wet. I saw many herds of sheep. And I started to feel the magic.

I feel spiritually nourished in this country, I always have. Some of my happiest and most fulfilled moments have been on back roads in Indian Country. Today was no different. Tuned into a cool Hopi radio station playing excellent reggae music. Caught a wee buzz. Slowly drove past Polacca and Tewa and Keams Canyon and on to Window Rock and Ganado, popping back out in Gallup. Didn't take much longer and it felt so good to be back on the reservation. I have always had an affinity for the Dineh.

I listened to an interview with a Navajo photographer named James who just spent a year taking photos for a book on the Navajo nation. His perspective was fascinating.

I continued on the 40 east and got a little rain and then encountered giant thunderheads and lightning storms over Acoma. Continued to rain on and off for the rest of the day, but a nice warm gentle rain.

I went to Rudy's, my favorite barbeque and had the burnt brisket ends, or with char, as they call it and then dropped my stuff at the fairgrounds so that I can set up bright and early tomorrow. I am glad to be back in New Mexico.