
Yellow headed blackbird

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Stan's Book

New York Stan has a new book out. Congratulations Stan, to a wonderful guy with a keen eye. Check out this link on Blurb. Blurb is a self publishing platform that I was not familiar with and my first cursory look seems promising. I wonder what kind of control a photographer has with his imagery? My Apple calendars have been disastrous on certain shots, and you have no editorial control of how things will actually print. If Stan's looks good (and I just ordered it) I may go this route myself. Onward into the new millennia.

The book is called Subway Stories. Stan Schnier rode the New York rails for four years with a vintage Widelux panoramic camera. This book sheds light on that journey. A voyage to the far off lands of the IND and the BMT. Check it out in preview mode.


Anonymous said...

kudos to our man Stan, he's perfectly captured the paranoia of the NYC tube, where they say if you look another person in the eye it gives them to right to kill you...

NYSTAN said...

IN the words of Abbie Hoffman, "BUY MY BOOK!"
Thanks for the plug. Really appreciated.