
Yellow headed blackbird

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Blue Heron Gallery

My Blue Heron Gallery website is down and I don't know when it will be up again. I paid a company in Colorado many thousands of dollars to create a site that looked good but was not really functional. It was based on a Foxpro database program which gave it some neat networking features but left me unable to modify it when I went all Mac. So stuff got hopelessly out of date.

When I get the bucks, I will cobble something new together. If you are looking for the gallery, it is located at 113 N. Main Ave in Fallbrook, CA Phone - 760-731-9355 Hours are 11 to 5, Thursday through Saturday. by appointment.

I carry a very nice collection of paintings, prints, furniture, silver, ceramics and more with an emphasis on Early California and southwest artists from 1890 to 1950. Hope to see you soon.

click on this link to see new acquisitions.

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