
Yellow headed blackbird

Saturday, May 8, 2010


We have an ownership problem today. No one wants to take responsibility for the consequences of their action and behavior.

Lloyd Blankfein smirks at the tools in the Senate who don't understand market economics. His buddy Buffet thinks that Lloyd is doing a swell job at Goldman Sachs. The lucky few survivors don't seem to think that we have had a financial problem. Why change anything, we won? The banks seem content with the status quo as well, sicking their army of lobbyists on anyone who dares to change the current rules of the game.

Whatever happened to Obama's great mortgage modification program anyway? The bully pulpit evidently didn't work and the banks said no go. The same banks that the american public bailed out say that extending the same courtesy to the American homeowner would be positively un-American.

The drill drill drill crowd has also been strangely silent of late, perhaps on a sudden quest to find new recipes for blackened redfish. Really blackened. Oil spills being god's will and all.

Shed a tear for the hotel owners, the Chamber and the Arizona business community who are a bit upset at the prospect of losing all of their convention business and next year's Baseball All star game over the new anti immigration bill. They depend on tourism and cheap labor and yet support their Republican allies in the legislature.


I got a warning on Facebook from a friend about the new site Spokeo.com which manages to get personal information on you from a variety of sources and posts in online. It refers to your credit score, pulls your photos off the web, states your relative wealth and a host of other personal information and posts it without your knowledge. Sometimes it makes some pretty egregious errors. You have to log onto their site and into the privacy tab and then follow directions which include an email to request that they pull you off the site. Total bullshit.  Just the first in what will probably be a multitude of sites that prove that we have relinquished all of our privacy. Thanks, Facebook. Don't take my word for it - examine your own dossier.
