
Yellow headed blackbird

Saturday, May 29, 2010


My solipsistic, misanthropic side that basically abhors my fellow man is suddenly starting to wax like a gibbous moon. Long held liberal brain circuitry is morphing into a conservative world view that would make John Bolton blush. Something is rotten in Denmark, and the intoxicating stench is hypnotizing and blinding many of us. Easily manipulated lovers of peace and love and freedom have mindlessly swallowed the bait, and not yet felt the naked hook.

I am a backer of the State of Israel's right to exist and as so a pariah in many circles. My objectivity regarding my tribal roots has been called into question at times, occasionally to my face.

Item: The International Red Cross admitted this week that they have been tending to Taliban casualties during the Afghani conflict. The Red Cross disclosed that in April its workers tended to over 70 members of the fundamentalist terrorist organization.  An ICRC spokesman in Geneva said the practice is consistent with its obligation of neutrality and its mandate to provide assistance to all sides in conflict. The ICRC says it provides a three-day course that includes lessons in international humanitarian law, practical work with bandages and other basic medical techniques.It says the course is also a chance to remind all sides about respect for civilians and proper treatment of detainees.

Item: In New York on Friday, the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty's 189 signatory nations proposed new steps towards disarmament and making the Middle East free of atomic weapons. Diplomats approved a document that laid out action plans on the three pillars of the treaty -- disarmament, non-proliferation and promoting peaceful atomic energy. The NPT called on Israel to join the treaty, which would oblige the Jewish state to do away with the nuclear weapons it is widely believed to have but does not acknowledge.
It mentioned ¨the importance of Israel's accession to the treaty and the placement of all its nuclear facilities under comprehensive IAEA safeguards.¨

Item: U.N. Secretary General wrote an editorial in the Washington Post today extolling virtues of the new and improved International Criminal Court, which will now have the teeth to try individuals and nation states for "crimes against humanity."

The first item is interesting. Being a supposedly neutral organization, the Red Cross makes no distinction between terrorist and coalition forces. It anoints them with a broad brush of moral equivalence. Get the terrorists back on the battlefield within three hours or they get their money back.

Neutrality is a precious thing but not really a moral high ground, in my way of thinking. Switzerland feigned neutrality in World War II, a convenient way to aid the germans and get some new banking work. Neville Chamberlain tried to take a neutral, middle course. Didn't work out so well.

But the Red Cross, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, various U.N. Commissions and organizations of similar ilk have the luxury of taking a detached, neutral, objective stance that places all sinners on a level playing and killing field. Including patching up soldiers in a god's army dedicated to establishing a world caliphate, no matter how many innocent civilians might get whacked in the process.

As to the second item, it is laughable in its transparency. The Israelis are expected to allow their teeth to be pulled and voluntarily give up the only thing that has kept their numerous enemies at bay for the last forty years, their nuclear arsenal. In the face of persistent threats from the Persians to wipe it off of the earth and in the face of the Iranians own accelerated race to their own bomb. Thankfully, the Israelis are not signatories to this treaty.

Ditto the last item. The United Nations has an exalted sense of its own power, and Israel is now firmly placed in its gunsights. The United Nations is a charade and has been for some time. They have never been an honest referee. Its proclamations are a testament to political expediency and hypocrisy. China has consistently thwarted any threats to its allies, including North Korea and Iran. Ditto Russia. Look at the U.N.'s emasculated response to Sudan. The I.A.E.A. has been consistently gamed by Iran. Venezuela and Iran continue their protracted courtship. Does any one truly think that the United Nations has any credibility in its edicts? Or in its evenhandedness? Can a country find any real protection under its wing?


Israel is in crisis and they are themselves responsible for much of their plight. They made overtures at Oslo that they seemed to have no intentions of following. It is interesting how they have had reasonable stasis in their relationship with the PLO dominated West Bank but Hamas dominated Gaza is still a powder keg. Ultra right wing fundamentalists are dominating the political agenda and are not willing to give an inch on a divided Jerusalem or an expansionist settlement policy.  Sixty one years after their birth, they are still facing an existential threat to their survival.

I read an article yesterday that pointed out an interesting observation. Young people today have only known of Israel as an occupying power, the dominant partner in their dyad with the Palestinians. They are blissfully unaware of the jews and Israelis struggle to survive, or perhaps they are tired of hearing about it.  I got a facebook message this week from an Israeli hater who told me to move my ass back to my "precious racialist theocracy". My local paper runs a letter every day about the Israeli's subjugation of the poor Palestinians. And if evil Israel did give up its weapons and ended up vanquished by its many enemies, most would share nary a tear. They had it coming and they should just go back to wherever it was they came from.

I am drawing a line in the sand. There is a clear demarcation between people who think it is acceptable to bomb restaurants and trains and trade centers and synagogues and rival mosques and innocent people and those that are merely protecting their own den. We should not have a long term presence in Afghanistan or Iraq, short of quick strike actions against those that would fly planes into our buildings. You know, the people that the Red Cross are trying to heal and fix up.

President Obama's own neutrality and stance on the Israeli question is still largely an unknown. Israel should be prepared to go it alone. I stand with them. If this is blasphemy for my liberal friends, I am sorry and it's been swell.


brett stokes said...

I am with you all the way brother, pariahs in arm, fuck the ragheads

Emergefit said...

I wouldn't go so far as to say "fuck the ragheads", but I do agree that Israel needs to keep their eyes forward, their chest puffed up, and be willing - despite what the rest of the world thinks, to retaliate, with force, even the slightest brush against their shoulders.

Gaza notwithstanding, it is no way an imperial nation with expansionist tendencies -- wink wink, nod nod USA...

Oh, and I just got to add raghead to my spell-check; SWEET!

Anonymous said...

Does your logic mean Iran can secretly hide nukes because they fear that Israel will wipe them off the globe?

Blue Heron said...

I am not sure what you are referring to in regards to my logic? Since when has nuclear weaponry and non proliferation been logical?

But to try to answer a good question, Israel has had the means to pulverize Iran since the regime change and they have refrained. Why would Iranian fear get any greater after they possessed nuclear weapons? Iran has been making all the statements recently that Israel will soon cease to exist. Israel will take these threats very seriously.

The issue of nuclear bomb haves versus have nots is always perplexing. If I didn't have one of my own, I would surely crave one. I mean Pakistan has one, for Allah's sake.

Stanley said...

I'm the real (DNA Certified) Jew that lives with the lady whose Mac is registered at the Carlsbad Apple Store. Ethnic jew, devout atheist. I'm with you all the way on Israel. Just find it hard to believe we are still having religious wars in the 21st century. The Israelis live in a very rough neighborhood or hasn't anyone noticed.
Del Mar Stan

Blue Heron said...

Israel of course rejected the treaty today but made curious note that neither India or Pakistan had been called out on the carpet in its findings. Only Israel.

Anonymous said...

"fuck the ragheads" Yeah, this is great, compassionate "liberalism" I guess?! There is so much BS in your post that it's amazing. After the zionist lead "pre-emptive war" on Iraq, you're still not satisfied and cry for a pre-emptive attack on another nation. You care nothing for the rules of war or logic for that matter. Iran did everything that they were asked by the IAEA, yet the zionists and neocons continued to lie about their program in the media. But I guess you know far more than Dr Gordon Prather a nuclear physicist? Any comments on the following:

"During the hour-long interview, Hart discussed Israel’s record of engaging in outrageous attacks on friend and foe alike, and spreading even more outrageous lies to cover them up. (Around the midpoint of the show he explained the real reason Israel attacked the U.S.S. Liberty in 1967.) Regarding 9/11, Hart suggested that while there may have been some original terrorist plot conceived by fellow-travelers of Osama Bin Laden, the Israeli Mossad, with its near-total penetration of Middle Eastern governments and terrorist groups alike, would have quickly detected and hijacked the operation to its own ends, orchestrating a spectacularly successful attack on America designed to be blamed on its Arab and Muslim enemies." from: http://whatreallyhappened.com/content/alan-hart-breaks-silence-about-911-kevin-barrett-show

Hey isn't it convenient that them damn arabs hate us, just like those mossad agents that were arrested on 911 said, "we're not your problem, our problem is yours the Palestinians." Why were 5 Israelis dancing and filming the 911 attack? Why did they work for a mossad front Urban Moving Systems that disappeared on 9/12.

Blue Heron said...


Anonymous said...

Wow, all caps personal attack?! Erudite and very mature, could you consider addressing even one point? And of course classic Bolshevik tendency for forced medication. My main point is that as an American any obsession with another country should be considered unhealthy; I would certainly understand if honest Americans were troubled by any strong attachment I might have towards Poland, Ireland, Italy or Great Britain where my ancestors hail from. But this country is of special interest considering the absurd amount of undue influence that they have. AIPAC doesn't stand for American Iran PAC, but I know to bring up such things makes me just a hater and relinquishes you of any duty to be respectful or answer any points. BBC's Alan Hart, Paul Craig Roberts, and Dr Alan Sobrosky have all discussed 911 and the Mossad/Israel connections. You can name call all day long and ignore the info if you like. You are the hater using the classic "glass parking lot" phrase, but of course your side is subject to special rules and double standards-ethnic slurs, threats of nuking, secret hidden nukes(that they have openly threatened to use on Syria, Jordan AND Europe see Samson Option). I have no qualms with Iran, they should be left alone. We meddled enough in their country when CIA, Mossad and MI6 overthrew Mossadegh in the 50's. SO as a neocon you join the ranks of Perle(caught spying 2-3x in the 70s), Feith (caught as well), Krauthammer and the rest of the murderous freaks whose mouths are still wet with Iraqi blood as they prepare to drink more from Iran. God help you, oh you're one of them atheist racialists I forgot. Perhaps I should pray for you.

Blue Heron said...

Tommy, I will allow you this last opportunity to spill. Go away and don't bother me again. Daisy may put up with your nonsense but I don't and won't. You sound very disturbed.

Anonymous said...

I see no anti-Semitic implications in denial of the existence of gas chambers, or even denial of the holocaust. Nor would there be anti-Semitic implications, per se, in the claim that the holocaust (whether one believes it took place or not) is being exploited, viciously so, by apologists for Israeli repression and violence.”

Noam Chomsky

Anonymous said...

Anti Semitism and the Left that doesn't learn. Mitchell Cohen

Anonymous said...

Hi Bob,

I really appreciate your view on the Gaza flotilla. Unfortunately, I believe that Turkey is strongly behind the conflict, particularly given its recent rapprochement with Iran and its participation in sending the boats. I believe you are right that the ones participants that hoped for peace had good intentions, but they were duped by those that wanted conflict. I rarely support Israel in most matters, but in this instance and based upon the actual footage of their commandos treatment when boarding the boats I think next time they should torpedo the boats and blame in on North Korea. This way we will get two birds with one stone.


Blue Heron said...

Thank you R. I have never been a huge fan of the Israelis, having lived there for a protracted period, the people are rather hard. Not like the jewish community in Berkeley. But a 1000 missiles a year out of Gaza has a way of hardening you to the realities of living with rotten neighbors. Like if you guys found yourself in a life or death dispute with Emeryville.

Anonymous said...
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