
Yellow headed blackbird

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Surtyr's Revenge

Marc Canter had a pretty funny and cogent observation on Facebook today. Iceland is taking down all of Europe in retaliation for its economic misery. Marc is the brilliant man who founded Macromind, the computer company that morphed into Macromedia.

Iceland is in serious financial turmoil and has been severely squeezed recently by its creditor nations, England and Holland. Now the norse fire gods are having their comeuppance.

According to Icelandic mythology, during the final battle of Ragnarok, Surtyr, leader of the Fire-Giants of Musphel (the Home of Fire) will destroy both the gods, the Frost Giants and pretty much the whole Universe with his flaming sword. And word has it that they plan to start by taking down jet service on the continent.

I guess that the moral of the story is not to piss off the old Asgardian gods. They can still be pretty mean when they get riled.

1 comment:

WildBill said...

I heard the Iceland volcano had something to do with Obama's new health care legislation!