
Yellow headed blackbird

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Stone Brewery

I have an antique show this weekend in Del Mar and another one next week in San Francisco so my lovely bride offered to treat me to a preflight inspection and treatment at our friendly chiropractor in Escondido.

My favorite greasy spoon was closed by the time we got out and one of us had the idea of checking out the relatively new Stone Brewery. I hit the voice search on my android and the navigation system magically transported us there, a stone's throw from the new hospital complex.

I actually drove by the place because the exterior looked so corporate and light industrial. No signage to speak of, either. After I doubled back, we found our way through the metallic double doors and entered the cavernous brewery/gift shop, restaurant/ garden spot.

I had wanted to check the place out for a possible meeting place for my food group, many of whom had already been there. I would still take them, but for the novelty and beer, not necessarily the food.

I was surprised that a place that looked so good on the inside took such a boring safe exterior architectural route. Boxy and blahhh.

We ordered a taster plate of beer and then another. Leslie suggested that I try the Arrogant Bastard and the Sublimely Self Righteous Ales, probably for no special reason.

We started off for little cream cheese mushroom canapey things, which were a tad greasy and underwhelming. She had the garlic cheddar soup for an entree which she loved. I settled on the barbecued duck burritos. I wish the menu had mentioned that they were covered with onions, a downer for me. A bit mushy and nondescript but hey, if I was toasted, I could eat six or seven.

The bread was good, as was the service, beer was superb. Didn't have my camera so used my phone. I would like to take the beer tour, looked interesting even though I am not a huge beer drinker. I didn't have time to walk the gardens, having procrastinated all week on getting ready for the show but plan to do this as well.

This place is a hoppy wet dream for the reverse baseball capped twenty somethings who filled the place and looked like they had died and gone to brew heaven. Check it out, don't expect a lot from the expensive and slightly pedestrian food, but definitely wet your whistle with the suds.


NYSTAN said...

wow....feel like I moved to Calif....great great mix of vintage music and art...AND....did you see the documentary on a guy named Shopsin? I think it is called "I like to kill flies."
See ya, dude.
Stan from you know where...and Walden threw out eight solid oak library chairs last week. I have four friends with solid oak library chairs and I have the cream of the crop...a steel AV cart in turquoise blue courtesy of same...you probably used it a few years ago...mid 60's vintage I am thinking....

Anonymous said...

the garlic cheddar soup sounds delish...wonder if they have burgers on the menu?

his faithful slave Pedro