
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, April 19, 2010

Notes from the track

I return from the show at Del Mar chastened, beaten by far more than a nose, yet still standing. I drive to Bay Meadows tomorrow to give it another go. I remember hearing a psychic once say that they had rigged an apparatus to measure the psychic vibrations at various geographic locales around the world and invariably, racetracks and casinos had the worst "vibes"ever measured. Nothing else close.  Must be all of that residual greed and misery. And here I am following the circuit.

I sold and scrapped a lot of cheap silver at the show, needing to pay my mortgage and today's car repair bill. Haven't hit a home run in a long time and I think that I am getting too used to running on fumes. Getting used to that jackboot on my windpipe.

I scored on a nice piece of pottery that should work and got a few promising leads on paintings.

The most earth shattering thing I saw I will unfortunately be forced to describe because my photograph didn't save.  Imagine if you will, a three hundred pound woman wearing a skin tight "Pucci - Vasarely type, black and white geometric blouse. I was alerted to the heavenly vision by a colleague. The bulging concentric lines were creating optical patterns that Euclid himself could never have conceived of. Truly remarkable, and seared into my teary retinas for eternity.

Saw my old painting teacher, the infamous G.D. Durrant and his lovely wife Susan at the show. Durrant is a great watercolorist and the pride of Sul Ross College. They were kind enough to purchase one of my wares.

One of my clients came by looking quite dapper in his fedora and pinstripe suit, having recently shed 85 lbs. He has a four step non bariatric plan. 1. Don't diet. 2. Don't exercise. 3. Eat when you are hungry. But only a small portion. 4. Eat slowly. The proof is in the pudding, he looks good but I don't think I could go there.


I had a cup of coffee with Warren this morning, my ex wise guy, bookmaker friend. Warren used to do layoffs for the big bookies years ago and came out from New York to follow the ponies. He is always good for a few gems and today was a superfecta.

Thank god horses can't talk, you don't have to hear them thanking Jesus after the race.

Talking about breeding - Mrs. Sullivan had thirteen children, only one was John L..

Bet short odds or have a long face.

When a horseplayer says a horse has a better track time - the only time time counts is when you are in the joint.

Talking about loudmouth winners - Eats like a bird, shits like an elephant.

Winners tell stories, losers say "deal!"

There were four or five more but my brain couldn't process fast enough. I am going to try to start the second chapter of Clarksdale this week. Thanks to all for your encouragement.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I,ve got the horse right here and his name is Paul Revere...can do...can do!...equine musings ...i really miss the guys and their dolls...I was as on too.....when you go the the track with a first timer and he cashes a bet or 2 and seems just astonished that he is doing "better than you...just tell ..." i hope you keep your day job"...professional Hcps/Bettor who eke or make a true living do not tell....remember jimmie the Greek if he ever had a winner it was a pretty well kept secret...all it takes is one or two >sure things> against the spread or on the track every one or 2 weeks....pros cut their losses and when they are really on "a roll' hope to right about 55% of time.. Felix Taverna ...i knew him when he was eating grits and would ...in a nice schnurr around ....after about 15 years of intensive training and rote memorization he learned to tell the front from the rear of a horse.....he always had some nutty angle that was in reality a "blunt...negative specialists are very consistent...was a trader on the floor i would ask what he thought about the market...do the opposite.....i have a close friend ...Mike Garrett who is the AD @ USC was a great player ...we met at law school...Felix wanted to do the USC B/Ball games on the radio and brought one of his tapes and mike had lunch with him...and not to boast...i asked Michael to do a spot for his show and he was not really too motivated...when he came on for the interview and Felix gave him this big hype. and said how blah blah he was to "get" him on the show...Michael said....I'll tell the truth Felix if it wasn't for my friend W/B i wouldn't be here...felix has an excellent voice and very pleasant manner and is talented when he stays close to the base...we did joke around a lot and have much fun and he has been extra ordinarily successful...also treats people very consideratly..total sports nut..best wb