
Yellow headed blackbird

Thursday, April 1, 2010

No Fooling

April 1st will always have a special meaning for me. It was one year ago today that I was under the knife in the hospital, having my cancerous kidney, as well as bits and pieces of a couple other organs removed.

I had a stint inserted a few months prior to the operation and I was in constant and considerable pain. The operation freed me from all that torment and I am grateful to my doctor, John Greisman, to the good nurses at Scripps Encinitas and to all of you who stood with me.

It is amazing to me that I am still surviving financially, let alone physically, after the quadruple whammy of a recession, open heart surgery, a heart attack and cancer surgery in three successive years. I am not fooling one bit when I say that I wouldn't have made it without my loyal friends and customers and the love and support of my wife. And I would be remiss in not recognizing Jim Swan who has always been there for me when I needed help.

Doesn't seem like a whole year. Happy Anniversary to me. Time marches on!