
Yellow headed blackbird

Saturday, April 10, 2010

More female psychedelic vocalists

I used to follow a blog called Red Telephone that specialized in great sixties music. It may still be available to view but the blogger has been getting sort of harassed by the music companies and has called it quits. Leonard has been very scholarly in his pursuit and it is a shame that he has had to stop because I have learned a lot about this particular genre and he had a very cool blog.

I emailed him the other day seeking additional female vocalists and he suggested:

How about?
Liza Gonzales (Yankee Dollar), Dyan Hoffman (Neighb'rhood Childr'n), Connie Devanney (Ill Wind), Anya Cohen (Street), Jan Errico (The Vejtables), Adrianne Maurici (Spirits And Worm)... Please check the blog, I'm sure there are plenty more.

I found this Yankee Dollar cut which I like and also checked out a few more that flew by like the Ace of Cups and the terrible Honney and the Bees.

If you are hating this stuff, rest assured that the end is coming soon.

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