
Yellow headed blackbird

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Feathered Friends

I guess it all started about two or three months ago. I got a letter from a guy I shall call "Larry" from the east coast who complained that the blog was a load of crap and would I please stop sending it. I explained that I had in fact, never purposefully sent it to him but that it gets forwarded around by people. Would cease and desist. With my apologies. Acquired taste and all. Made a crude comment when he asked me to hazard a guess on what he was (?). My flip answer was a mynah bird with a keyboard - because his writing was a bit cryptic.

He wrote back a few days later and said that he had evidently had a change of heart and now loved my writing. So we had a little correspondence back and forth. He was evidently a fan of psychedelic art and music and sent me some pics of his cool creations. Nice guy.

The other day "Larry" decided to test the waters and send me his picture.

Now I was slightly taken aback, I will admit, I had been primed for Larry and maybe I had got something wrong and was dealing with Larissa. But as they say in the trade - adam's apples don't lie.

It's no big, the Blue Heron Blast is a large tent after all and most everybody is welcome. But I admit that I had a few questions about the whole gig and wrote "Larry" back to get a couple i's dotted and t's crossed. Was this evening number normal wear or just an occasional wrap on a fine spring day?

"Larry" responded last night that he just felt incredibly warm basking in the loving, nurturing light of the Blast and was thinking about flying out with his suitcase the very next day for a visit. I believe his choice of finery is an everyday thing. I think he expected some shock on my part.

Moi? Maybe shocked that somebody with his skin tone would ever dare to wear a pastel outfit like this. I think I would go for a smart Liz Claiborne khaki  number and stop with this cinderella at the ball bullshit. Think executive wear and comfortable flats.

And no Larry, you can't stay over. It's not out of fear of you pilfering my wife's fine wardrobe either. We just have an agreement, it's me, Leslie and the cat. But please continue to share and keep doing your thing. I truly like you. You've got that certain style.

1 comment:

Blue Heron said...

Leslie told me that my fashion advice was bullshit and that I was mean. I took the post down for a moment and then thought better of it. I do like the guy and he sent me the picture for some reason. There has to be a pleasure at the other end when you turn people's minds inside out. Isn't that half the fun? I say he isn't hurting anyone and living the dolce vida or vida loca and god bless him. She thought the color of the gown was fine.