
Yellow headed blackbird

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

More groovy sounds from Los Angeles


Anonymous said...

First rock concert I ever went to was at Covina High School (no, I did not go to Covina High) The bill was Brewewr and Shipley, Buffalo Springfield, and The Byrds.

I was at the [real]Riot on Sunset Strip (as a nervous and confused teenage observer) and my photograph was on the front page of the LA Free Press a week later (I was the tall blond geek in the center of the photo.)
I went to the Kaleidoscope concert of the Airplane, Canned Heat, and Buffalo Springfield.

And can you believe this!!!? I was at the Doors concert with Sweetwater and Jerry Lee Lewis at the Forum (snuck into that one) Jerry Lee Lewis was booed at for doing hardcore C&W music.

Blue Heron said...

You used to be a pretty cool guy, KJ.

Anonymous said...

Great Buffalo Springfield poster. The Chocolate Watchband was on the soundtrack for Riot on Sunset Strip.


Blue Heron said...

My first concert was at Hemisphere 66 in San Antonio. One of the hardcore Texas psychedelic bands, forget the name. My second was when sister Liz took me to see Canned Heat at Stonybrook College, 1968 or 9. Went to the moratorium march in Washington DC in 1969 with mother and little brother - American Folk Festival, Celebration of Life. Got caught in a major riot - cop cars getting turned over, very ugly. Ended up taking David Peel's drummer back to NYC after bedlam during their set.

Blue Heron said...

I believe that the W.C. Fields band noted on the Tuscon Gardens poster featured my friend Bob Zinner on guitar.

grumpy said...

love the Cass/Denver duet; what a beautiful song; her death pains me to this day.

Anonymous said...

so far you've left out the two greatest LA bands from the 60's, the Beach Boys and the Byrds...

Blue Heron said...

I agree with you Grumpy, I love Mama Cass and her beautiful heart and voice. Denver is also incredibly underrated and has been locked into an unfair cliched box.

As for the Byrds and the Beach Boys, all in due time - do you realize that I have never posted a Doors clip or a Beach Boys clip? But there are so many more - West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band - remember, Help I'm a rock?, Seeds. Love, Johnny Rivers, Spoonful, Kaleidoscope, Beefheart, Zappa, Spirit, the hits just keep on coming.

Blue Heron said...

Have to post Iron Butterfly for Millard, who was an early devotee of them as well as Arthur Lee and Love.

grumpy said...

yeah, for sure the Doors, as well as the Mothers, and Love; my bad for leaving them out; Rivers?, sure, why not, "Secret Agent Man" is still one of my alltime faves; while we're at it, consider the amazing studio musicians in Hollywood at the time, who played on so many hits by so many artists, such as the infamous Wrecking Crew, headed by Glen Campbell (who deserves consideration on his own), drummer Hal Blaine and Joe Osbourne on electric bass; not to mention arrangers and producers like Gary McFarland, Lou Adler, etc; the list goes on and on and on; such an amazing scene.

Blue Heron said...

I was getting to the wrecking crew.

Anonymous said...

thanks for posting "Ships with Sails"; never heard it before, it knocks me out; such a shame Ray, Robbie and John didn't stay together longer, after Jim passed; they were unlike any other band, totally unique sound; musicianship of the highest order.