
Yellow headed blackbird

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Waiting for Elijah

We celebrated Passover last night with many of our wonderful friends at Stanley, Tracy, Lynne and Richard's lovely home in Rancho Santa Fe. Yids and non yids alike, all making nice. We took turns reading from the haggadah, blessing the wine and the bread and toasting all sentient beings.

Leslie made haroset and her fantastic matzoh ball soup (sinkers, not floaters). We had tsimmis and kugel and kale and a beautiful leg of lamb. For dessert, macaroons, rugelach and Martin's homemade apple cake. More delicacies too numerous to note.

I think I was the only one there whose father was still living and I stepped out in the middle of the meal and called my dad and told him that I loved him. He is sounding really frail. I am going to try and see him next week.

There is nothing better than friends, old or new. This group has mostly been with me for over three decades and for that I am thankful. You can have money and health and anything else you covet but without nice people that love you, you ain't got diddlysquat.

I hope that all of my jewish friends had a wonderful holiday and to all of my other friends of any persuasion or no persuasion at all, I wish you love and peace.


Anonymous said...

Did you find the secret matzoh ball?

Emergefit said...

When Mark and I were young, our father had a sense of humor. Gathering us to head to the Temple Micah Seder, he started to load our collie into the car. My mother and he bickered about it for a few minutes and the collie was returned to the yard. Later found out that my dad, on the Rabbi's opening of the door for Elijah, had planned on excusing himself ahead of time, and putting Misty through synagogue door.

It didn't actually go down, but that it almost did, I usually tell the story as factual.

I'm envyous of your group -- very special.

Sanoguy said...

Thanks, Robert!! Back at ya!!