
Yellow headed blackbird

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Springing Forward

As once was so ably proclaimed by the scribes, real life is so much stranger than fiction - blonde bimbos groomed as manchurian missiles by the islamic invaders go hunting game in scandinavia, the wife of a supreme court justice becoming a leading teabagger, Iceland turned into a slushie by their mortgage holders in Great Britain, Texas scouring their academic curriculum of all traces of Jefferson, women, hispanics, dinosaurs, fossils, and non christian folks of the wrong complexion, replacing them with Phyllis Schafly, Roy Cohn and Kate Smith no doubt - its all just so damn hard to take! If you are not medicating in some way, I must admit that I view you with no small amount of suspicion.

I was most appalled when a teacher in Texas said that she had no problem with the curriculum changes and whitewashing, but the lesson plans were so long already, how in the Sam Hill could they mention all of these new heroes in a school year? Working hard enough, gosh darn it.


I have a growing hatred fighting a grudging acceptance of Facebook. A perfect communication medium for people who speak in 144 character staccato bursts and can not put together a complete sentence, or dare I say it, an original thought. Lately I am seeing more clipped lines from a song appearing, give me two stanzas of Bob Dylan or Robert Hunter and magically whisk me away to some internal warm and cozy metaphorical den. How about writing your own song or bad poetry? What's wrong with that?


The new social networking sites have an etiquette that is being written on the fly and can be somewhat confusing. I was on a site today that used to link me and see that all vestiges of the Blue Heron Blast has vanished from their pages. I reflexively found their own reciprocal link on my blog and sent them to Cyber hell with a click. I must have pissed somebody off, not a first. Mutually assured blog destruction. Oh well.


Kudos to Biden and Clinton for holding Netanyahu's feet to the fire. I have said it before, the current crop of Israelis in power are masters of the double dealing finesse move and have been less than forthright with their allies about their plans for settlement expansion. And that doesn't make me an anti semite.


Anonymous said...

Were you medicating when you made the photo? Psychodelic. Appreciate that you can be critical of Israel.


North County Film Club said...

All those things you mentioned in your first paragraph are really scaring me. Is it just me or are things getting worse?
I love what you did to your photo. How did you do it?

Blue Heron said...

I took a picture of myself with the photobooth on my mac, put it on a background pic of a datura flower I had previously shot, imported it into iphoto, cropped it, exported it into photoshop, tweaked the hue and sent it through a paint daub filter. Simple.

Emergefit said...

I'm wondering, so I don't have to think of somethng clever to say after each of your posts, can you just install a "like" butotn, so I can move and get on to the Jonas Bros. fan site, where my heart really lay?

Anonymous said...

don't be knockin' Kate Smith, i loved her rendition of "God Bless America", it inspired Woody Guthrie to write "This Land is Your Land"...