
Sandhill crane

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Saturday Schtuff

Interesting article in the New York Times today about all of the American companies still doing business with Iran. And a breakdown here. We have given these companies 107 billion dollars in federal funds over the last decade. At least 15 billion of those dollars were used to develop Iranian oil and gas fields, an activity contrary to U.S. Law. Some of the companies just used proxies and front men in other countries to shield their activities. Real patriots. Iran, the nation hellbent on turning the middle east into a parking lot.

I love the typical response from a trade lobbying group:

William A. Reinsch, president of the National Foreign Trade Council, lobbied against Mr. Dorgan’s bill and has opposed other unilateral sanctions. He argues that their futility can be seen in the intransigence of the Iranian government and the way American oil companies have simply been replaced by foreign competitors. Moreover, many foreign companies with business interests in Iran are also large American employers; deny them federal contracts and other benefits, Mr. Reinsch said, “and it’s those workers who will pay the price.”

Or, "crack down and it will cost american jobs. Or, if not us, it will be somebody else."


Governor Paterson, Eric Massa, Charlie Rangel, democrats all, just goes to show that corruption is an equal opportunity employer.


The Pentagon shooting is another warning that fanning the flames of the teabagger's rage might have unfortunate consequences.


President Obama should have come out of his election guns firing, while he had a head of steam. Now the forces of entropy have set in. His early nod to bipartisanship was fruitless and bore no returns, allowing the opposition to coalesce into an angry mob. Now the opportunity to evoke real change will be that much harder. He could have taken a cue from his predecessor George Bush and gone full speed ahead with his agenda without feeding the opposition and been better off. The sides are now so entrenched and dug in that reconciliation is probably the only way, the Republicans want to score points and do everything in their power to stop him from enacting anything.


I don't have any problem with not federally funding abortion. I can understand a person taking a moral stand against using their tax money on a procedure they find morally reprehensible - as long as they respect my own moral position that my tax dollars don't fund foreign excursions in countries like Iraq.