
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, March 1, 2010

Living on the River

I had a great weekend. Saturday, I sold several paintings out of the blue. Another tragedy narrowly averted! We went out to Trupianos, a nice local italian restaurant Saturday night, with a couple of our best friends, and had another really good meal, and not too expensive. One of those restaurants that you sometimes forget is there and then get blown away by. Stopped by Bill and Jean's house afterwards for dessert and dice and we watched some of the olympics coverage. They couldn't help but laugh at my obscene jokes.

I know I am officially of that age where everything was better in our youth, but, is it just me or does anyone else long for the early sixties/seventies type coverage where Jim McKay gave you all of the olympic sports and not just the USA battles? Where you didn't have to wade through the human interest bio crap. Just let me see the frigging events. please...

We were going to laze around yesterday but got a late morning call to join the Fish(s) and 10 of their closest friends for brunch at Le Bistro which killed a couple of the plans for the day, like whacking weeds or organizing my junk room.

But when we did manage to get back home we managed to run smack into a gorgeous day! Big puffy clouds and deep shadows and wildflowers galore. The Santa Margarita River Valley is so green right now. We took a walk down to the river, on a path across from our house.

I have lived on the river for 22 years and in its watershed for 30 and it is always changing. Due to the latest rain, we have a small rapids and waterfall in front of the house. When it really rains hard, the river actually gets lower, something counterintuitive but true. Found lots of shells. Beavers were not to be seen this time.

We caught the Great Blue Heron you see silhouetted in my blog header flying around and finally perching in a sycamore tree. I didn't see the osprey but did see ducks and jays and 4 hawks circling. Maddie our dog started chasing a pretty brown coyote which I managed to photograph. One of the juvenile hawks is starting to spruce up last year's nest for her own expectant brood. I saw bits of green grass this morning that she had added. Caught this picture of her yesterday with her puffy white chest.

We saw a beautiful native plant blooming which I am embarrassed to say that I can not identify. Also saw our first purple ceanothus of the year.

Maddie found a mud puddle and was hereby banished from the house.

The day ended with homemade matzoh ball soup to stave off our budding colds. Then a beautiful full moon snaked up over the mountain. A perfect day.


Sanoguy said...

Great photos, beautiful day!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi R
Nice photos, we were on the bay yesterday and saw several blue herons. It looks like they may be starting to nest as several appeared to be carrying vegatation.
Your photograph of the wild flower looks to be the California Peony. A 1 foot perennial with drooping maroon 2" flowers in Jan.-Mar.. Native from Monterey to San Diego Co. It can be found growing in a variety of soil types and often in the shade of other vegetation and some times you find it on west or north facing outcrops. This plant confused people in Europe and the East coast because it has adapted to our climate by leafing out in Dec.-Jan. and going deciduous in May. In other climates it has a tendency to come up in the snow. Deer do not seem to bother it, nor does anything else. It has swollen roots like a yam that will rot if you water it in the summer. Thus, it is difficult to grow as a domesticated decoration.

We haven't tried Trupianos but from your remarks we may give it a shot. Mounted the new Hudson steam locomotive painting in my lab and it looks great. hugs d

Blue Heron said...

Thanks D, I knew that you would know! Actually took a lot of photos yesterday and might have more to share with you. I have to keep my camera at the ready these days, it's all starting to happen!

Love to you both - that was great the other day.

Anonymous said...

you're right, Jim McKay was the best; i actually remember him interviewing Jean-Claude Kily, in French, at the '68 Winter Olympics at Grenoble; loved Wide World of Sports, also, which he hosted.


Anonymous said...

glad to hear about Trupiano, i'll give it another try; Da Giorgio also opened recently, next to Albertson's, where Killer Pizza used to be.
