
Yellow headed blackbird

Thursday, March 25, 2010


I was reading an article in the Wall Street Journal the other day where an analyst was dogging Google for taking its stand against censorship in China and refusing to filter web content. He said that it could cost them about 50 points (roughly 10%) and that shareholders weren't going to like it.

I applaud Google for its stand. The shareholders be damned. They have made enough off their stock already. The company that said don't be evil is finally backing up its words. Hooray Sergey Brin.


Speaking of Google, the new fast Chrome Browser is anything but. I have been using it for about two months and it goes into a pesky resolve mode at one stage. Slowest browser I have ever used. Maybe there is some advantage I haven't discovered yet...


That sick bitch Ann Coulter is in full snip because of the decision of the Canadian University to ban her hate filled bile. I could easily fill the screen with her vile offal but will spare the both of us. If you are not an anglo saxon christian, she apparently has little use for you.

A friend and associate was by this morning castigating universities for not being fair and giving equal time to the Coulters and Tancredos of the world. He says that they let the Angela Davis's of the world speak. I would say that Davis was primarily against the power structure, while Coulter has made clear her antipathy to muslims, jews, gays, mexicans, canadians, etc. . It clearly moves into hate speech. I am not sure if she means what she says or is merely a flamethrower, I tend to think the latter, maybe she possesses an obscene need to be noticed and to trigger revulsion.  Making fun of people's ethnicity, sexual persuasion and religion seems like a strictly conservative past time. I must say, the racist and anti gay slurs really don't bother my republican friends too much.

So bravo to our northern neighbors.


I cautioned many times last year that the tea bag party was going to turn out to be a tiger that devoured the conservative cause. The broken windows, white powder filled envelopes, faxed nooses and death threats all show the wacky chickens coming home to roost. The anger of the lunatic right is coalescing and the storm will forever damage by proximity any sane republicans that may be still standing.


The Senate Republicans are starting to play the old stop your unemployment benefits check game again. Cause we all know that if you are not working right now, you are neither graced by god's eternal love, nor are you really looking very hard, content to just suck off the system. So get lost, losers!


The pope might want to borrow Ari Fleischer from Tiger for a little damage control over that Wisconsin molester snafu. David Frum gets his schmeckel rapped for speaking a little too honestly. Syracuse gets whacked by Butler. Hugo Chavez locks up his chief television critic, Guillermo Zuloaga. Eric Cantor thinks that the dems are overreacting to a little harmless gunplay.


Bravo to the County Supervsors for rejecting the Merriam Mountain subdivision. You can't bring 2600 more houses in when we are already out of water. The notion of supporting building merely because it will provide jobs is shortsighted. We need to think about long term sustainability.


The sapphic sith queen, Bonnie Dumanis, has lost her second straight marijuana conviction, today to a unanimous jury. Stupidity is said to be the repeating of an action, again and again, in the hopes of obtaining a different result. Wise up, D.A.

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