
Yellow headed blackbird

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Raise high the roof beam, carpenters...

I often brag about the great people that live in my town, Fallbrook. Well, it's true. We have a fantastic new public library being built, and significant contributions have come from our community, both in terms of time, money and artistic input. In fact many local artist's works have been integrated into the library, including works by local artists Michael Stutz, Chris Pardell and Dixon Fish. It is going to be a wonderful setting and a centerpiece for North County. A place that all residents can utilize and be proud of.

The incredible woman we have most to thank for the new library is one Jerri Patchett. She has worked tirelessly to see it come to fruition, in all of its aspects, including fundraising and design. One of the most kind and competent people you will ever be fortunate enough to meet.

Today, the library had a topping off party to celebrate the last steel girder being raised on the roof. The library crew has been having construction meetings in my gallery every other week so I was able to pull an invite for a viewing and lunch and it allowed me an opportunity to take some pictures. Steel beams are always good. Click on the pictures and they magically get bigger.

I for one cannot wait for its completion later this year. Here are a few of my shots from this morning.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey-great photos!

Every time I watch an old episode of WEEDS (on Netflix) I think of you and all the other Southern Californians livin the good life. No blue skies and warm temps around here. My darkroom got flooded yesterday and had to remove several of my students. Walked into the darkroom only to discover several kids standing in pools of water....not a good idea. Our building is 125 years old and I suspect a nearby tree has taken up residence in one of the drain pipes.

New York Stan

Sanoguy said...

I am looking forward to the completion of the library... should be a great place... you are to be commended to note all of the community members involved... particularly Jeri Patchett!!!