
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, February 22, 2010


I engaged in a rare moment of self censorship and removed my last blog. I went off on the man that stole my family fortune and the pain it has caused my family. We won the lawsuit but lost the war, impossible to prevail in court when you are financially outgunned.

My ex lawyer brother had a slight problem with a few sentences that may have been misconstrued as a solicitation of murder. Jim thought I sounded out of character and more bitter than usual. So it's gone. Poof. I never said anything, unless it's in somebody's cache memory.


Jim was railing about the proposed warning labels on hot dogs. I agree, jeez, can't people take a little responsibility without interference from the nanny state? I resent the warnings on my garbage bags. If you are so stupid as to commit gross bodily harm with a garbage bag, we shouldn't be breathing the same oxygen.


Obama, who promised to respect state laws on marijuana, went and hired a rabid anti pot warrior at the DEA, Michele Leonhart, who appears to disregard his and Eric Holder's dictates. Good article today by David Sirota in the Denver Post on the President's seeming inability to control his troops.


What was your first thought when you heard that Cheney was in the hospital again?


I guess the company that was on 60 minutes with the bloom box energy sources that one day may take us off the grid is the one my brother John, the fuel cell specialist works for. You know, the brother who won't speak to me.


Amazing that the University of Alabama shooter could traipse through Harvard and engage in so many violent and bizarre episodes and still keep her job all these years.  In California she would have probably received tenure.


Watched an interesting film tonight where Evolutionary Biologist Richard Dawkins states that we go to a mental ward and meet an individual who has faith that he is Napoleon we say he is looney but if 100 million people have faith in an equally irrational god we say that they are sane. Even though there is no more evidence than that the first guy was Napoleon.


Chimpanzees will do favors for each other, knowing that they will be returned in the future. This is called reciprocal altruism.


Anonymous said...

have faith, things will get better...


Anonymous said...

my best pal for years was a savant and i believe you are as well; he literally knew everything; he could be a lot of fun, or a pain in the ass; was probably bi-polar, also...

Sanoguy said...

Cheney: maybe he won't come out this time...!!!!... 5th heart attack since age 37....

brett stokes said...

Cheney would have to have a heart to have it attack, maybe he could go see the wizard for one and take bush along to get a brain.As for the rest of us maybe we could get some courage i know i need it !