
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, December 28, 2009

monday ramble

View from Two Bunch - © 2009 Robert Sommers

I just read that two airline passengers in Phoenix were briefly detained yesterday for - shudder - speaking loudly in a foreign language. Eternal vigilance America.  My wife tells me that the second suspect the other day, not the drunk guy in Salt Lake City (and how often do you hear that phrase?), no the other african guy, was actually just a poor guy sick to his stomach who couldn't come out of the bathroom. Talk about announcing it to the world... Guess the real nigerian terrorist guy got his nuts pretty well scorched. Good for him. Hold the pain killer and anesthetic. He actually reports that he is feeling a little bit better, if anyone cares...

And we can not forget good old Ivana Trump who had her own little snit on the tarmac. Appears the commoners couldn't sufficiently bridle their offspring. And to think she learned comity and etiquette from Leona Helmsley...

Don't be surprised if the Indianapolis Colts and that pussy Peyton Manning fall flat on their faces for pulling their starters and tanking the game and their unbeaten season on Sunday. Very bad juju and karma. Chargers have always had their number, yawn, Philip Rivers hoists the championship trophy and is enshrined as Super Bowl MVP.

Pinkbaiting in Illinois - Andy Martin, GOP senate candidate, is accusing his opponent of being homosexual. Welcome to the new Republican Party.

And Mary Matalin says that Bush inherited 9/11 from Clinton. Uh, read the Richard Clarke book, Mary. You know the part about the august memo that Al Qaeda wanted to fly large planes into tall buildings like the Trade Center?

Received a missive from D. Kampion that the reason the world is acting so farblungen this week is that the 360 degrees of the circle are trying to catch up with the five extra days in the 365 day year. I knew I should have paid attention in that homeroom astronomy class. Actually my equilibrium has been shot all week, bad back, sick cat and a surfeit of christmas cookies.

Monsieur Grumpster sent me along this little ditty in reference to my James Gurley RIP post:
 fine guitar player to be sure, but save a few tears for his first wife, who died after he allegedly injected her with morphine... 
Now I have no knowledge if Gurley did or did not engage in this illicit act. I don't even feel like raking through the muck to corroborate. It just seems in poor taste to bring it up so soon after the poor guy kicks the bucket. I saw lots of weird stuff and casualties of the hippiedrug culture myself, even saw people shooting up once or twice. It grossed me out. But I doubt seriously that he was holding a gun to her head. If he did in fact engage in this "alleged behavior." If people opt for self destruction we can certainly try to help but their salvation is usually out of our hands. Of course if we were discussing Dylan's admitted drug use certain parties would have a shitfit.

The dumbshit evangelist who strode over the DMZ bringing christ's message to North Korea and is now being held is like the fools who find themselves clinging to a icy mountaintop in the Cascades and then beg for rescue. Several rescuers were killed in the italian alps today.You got yourself in to the mess, get yourself out. Don't expect the government to bail your ass out. Or try praying real hard.


grumpy said...

Robert Park, or the dumbshit evangelist as you call him, goes down as a hero in my book; i doubt if he expects to be bailed out; i call it a Mission of Love, putting his ass on the line for his fellow man; what an inspiring story.

grumpy said...

yeah, i should have laid off on brother James, my bad; the Sixties were such a flawed decade, however, that i feel compelled to point out it's failings...

Blue Heron said...

The porcine and self righteous gall of the divinely blessed for assuming that they know the way other human beings should think and believe.