
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, October 5, 2009

Shawn pics

Buddy Shawn in Thailand has digitized a whole bunch of photos from mutual good times in the seventies and forward. We all constructed an amazing sculpture garden out of driftwood and rocks one week at Solana Beach. Shawn was our leader and inspired mentor.  People walking along the beach would stop and take part in the group art project.

David Jacobs in a lysergic moment.

Henry "Hank" Meer and Shawn playing disc.  Sheebz and Dave.

The gang.  We sure knew how to have fun. Except for Bigdave, no one had children. Strange.

  Lena, Shawn, Ron and Ricardo.  I have been blessed with the greatest friends and we had the best times.  Thankfully most of us are still around.  Miss the one's that aren't.  We had exceptional beach gatherings for frisbee, over the line, smashball, doobs, bonfires, bodysurfing, all kinds of frivolity - they seem to have abated as we reached into our fifties, and that is a definite drag.  But like Frank said in the song, we did it our way.

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