
Yellow headed blackbird

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Satan's Minion

According to Public Policy Polling, a polling firm in New Jersey, 21% of New Jersey voters aren't sure if Barack Obama is the anti-christ, with 8% of the populace believing that he definitely is. In the same survey it is reported that a full 19% of the total population and 32% of the Democrats polled thought that President Bush had advance knowledge of 9/11. 21% of the voters don't believe Obama is a natural born U.S. citizen.

Q11 Do you think Barack Obama is the Anti-Christ?
If yes, press 1. If no, press 2. If you’re not
sure, press 3.
Yes ................................................................. 8%
No................................................................... 79%
Not Sure.......................................................... 13%

Q6 Do you think the federal government should be
eliminated? If yes, press 1. If no, press 2. If
you’re not sure, press 3.
Yes ................................................................. 6%
No ................................................................... 83%
Not Sure.......................................................... 11%

Q3 Do you think that Barack Obama’s speech to
the schoolchildren of America earlier this week
was appropriate? If yes, press 1. If no, press
2. If you’re not sure, press 3.
Yes ................................................................. 63%
No ................................................................... 24%
Not Sure.......................................................... 13%

Q4 Do you think Barack Obama was born in the
United States? If yes, press 1. If no, press 2. If
you’re not sure, press 3.
Yes ................................................................. 64%
No ................................................................... 21%
Not Sure.......................................................... 16%

Q5 Do you think that George W. Bush had
advance knowledge of the 9/11 terrorist
attacks? If yes, press 1. If no, press 2. If
you’re not sure, press 3.
Yes ................................................................. 19%
No ................................................................... 69%
Not Sure.......................................................... 11%

Link to the article that includes the survey here.  I hope that the president isn't leading us down the devil's highway to perdition.  Are the people from the state that is shaped like a leaky condom on to something?

Interesting that so many of our fellow countrymen would like to eliminate the federal government - might have a few ramifications on the interstates, armies, abortion policy, slavery, pollution, etc. Maybe if Texas secedes we will get to see what will really happen?  It is obvious to me that we all really hate each other's guts these days.

I have been chastised by several of my friends from the mythical "center" lately.  Sheila thinks I have been unduly strident and has cautioned me to stay inside the lines as if my blog is a coloring book gone astray. Not be too radical. Jim thinks that my gross generalization's gloss over the many people who are maybe not psychotic and still have legitimate questions about the effects of Obamaworld on taxes and spending. And he says that I am not as much of a dick in real life. Other folks seem to love it when I shoot from the hip. I will try to stay as fair and slightly unbalanced as possible. But your critiques are duly noted and appreciated.

It seems that know matter how many "bones" I offer to my friends on the right, there is rarely any reciprocation or honest self examination. And how does the Cure song go, "it's never enough."

My whole point of the Republicans behaving badly post was, watch who you are sleeping with, if it's a bunch of bigoted, birther, truther, obamahating watchmen of the apocalypse, you might have to wake up with them the next morning and sometimes it's not too pretty.  Same thing with the liberal idiots who think we can afford to open our borders and provide free healthcare for the whole world. Or play footsy with left wing dictators in South America. Or placate the peace loving Palestinians. I post on certain websites where I am surely considered a right wing asshole.

So let me state unequivocally that I don't want to get linked up with some pimp lovin' Acorn types who want to march you into Stalag 17 and kill your parents.  Same czars that are eating Osetra and blinis at the old dachau while they steal the hard earned lucre of Joe American taxpayer.

My friend Carrie says that I use the word stupid too much.  Maybe I have some misdirected faith that intelligence can lead us out of our morass.  God knows that there have been plenty of smart people who have managed to screw things up royally. (Carter, Nixon) But I still think we need to get the morons out of office and find some common ground.  Stop tilting at windmills. And condemn the lunatic fringe on either side of the aisle.

Faust and friend.

You put your kids on a school bus you expect safety but in Obama's America the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering 'yeah, right on, right on, right on.'
Rush Limbaugh

"Is this little Jimmy Tucker from St. Louis?"
"Who's calling?"
"This is your president, Barack Obama. Listen Jimmy, there's a couple white kids gonna get on the #3 Bus to Dogtown tomorrow. I want you to grab a couple of homies and take care or business, knowwhatI'msaying?"
"Yes sir, Mr. President! You can count on me."


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Martin Amis said it best when, in a recent interview, he asked what's happening in America:

"I don't recognize it" he said, "I just don't recognize it". Agreed. rc

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work. The truth hurts, especially to the people who know who they are. Some paid off FOX cub reporters pose as a pimp and hooker and expose some uneducated Acorn workers-to the conservative right they are American heroes. Michael Moore exposes Wall St. corporate thieves and he is Satan.
It's about time liberals start the "Wake up and have a Cup of Coffee" movement to counter corporate America's fake Tea Party.
My list of anti-Christ's
1. Karl Rove
2. Dickhead Cheney
3. Rupert Murdoch
4. Lush Bimbo
5. Glenn Beck
6. Michael Steele
7. Bill O'Reilly
8. Bush (your choice)
9. T. Boone Pickens and his swiftboat legions
10. Sean Hannity
10. Joe Wilson

Anonymous said...
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