
Yellow headed blackbird

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The company you keep.

The situation in Honduras is a study in White House ineptitude. The deposed President, Zelaya, is holed up in the  Brazilian Embassy awaiting his populist flock to restore his empire. What the White House could not achieve with the help and mediation of Coast Rican President Arias, they now try to effect through this clumsy and staged manipulation.  Unfortunately Hillary and White House Counsel Craig's hands are all over this one. Maybe we will get lucky and there will be a long and protracted civil war.

My feelings about Honduras have been previously posted. It was clearly unconstitutional for Zelaya to try to lengthen his term in office and the Supreme Court and military were obligated by law to proceed as they did.  Hillary Clinton wants him to serve out the rest of his term. I think that it is none of our business. The Brazilian Lulu and Hugo Chavez have spoken out for the restoration of his rule. Another el presidente por vivir.

Do we really want to help shift more power in Latin America to the Chavez block? I have been accused lately of being a liberal unless Israel is involved. H-m-m-m. I must say that I feel threatened by the relationship between Venezuela and Iran, along with Hezbollah.

Last June, the United States Treasury freezed the assets of two Venezuelans, Ghazi Nasr al Din and Fawzi Kanan, for raising money for Hezbollah in Venezuela. They allegedly used their posts at the Venezuelan Embassy to facillitate terrorist attacks and kidnappings with senior Hezbollah officers. According to recent intelligence Iran's Revolutionary Guard and Hezbollah have allegedly set up a special force to attempt to kidnap Jewish businesspeople in Latin America and take them to Lebanon.

Iranian and Hezbollah operatives traveling in and out of Venezuela have purportedly recruited Venezuelan informants working at the Caracas airport to gather intelligence on Jewish travelers as potential targets for abduction.

If our country is on the same side of any argument as Hugo Chavez, I say we better watch out.


Anonymous said...

I agree with you about Honduras, and have emailed to you a link to an article ("United by Hate") from the Boston Review, written by a close friend of ours, Claudio Lomnitz, who is Dean of Ethnic Studies at Columbia University. He discusses anti-Semitism in Venezuela, and I think you will find it quite pertinent to your discussion today.


Anonymous said...

Zelaya today complained that Israeli mercenaries were blasting him with high powered energy beams.