
Yellow headed blackbird

Friday, July 3, 2009

Yo te amo Santa Fe.

Creche - Chimayo, New Mexico

This is the first year in the last 12 or so that I haven't been in Santa Fe for the fourth of July. Oh, except for that heart surgery thing. It really sucks not being there. Went to four dances in Santa Clara last year. Memories of great barbecue at Mike and Joan's place on the fourth. New York Times and trout at La Fonda most mornings. Rainy afternoon and evening sky. Fireworks at the high school. Sopapillas at Tiny's. Celebrating our victories at Santa Cafe with a great cabernet. Wonderful friends that are more like family after all this time.
But John Morris' Antiquities show has maybe breathed it's final exclamation, I don't know. A couple of us are now talking about our own Winter Show, who knows? Miss you all. Vendors, customers, even the promotor. Have a great fourth of July. A dios. See you on the plaza.

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